Chapter 1

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I pedalled my bike as fast as I could down the quiet road. My feet were pressed against the pedals so much that they were beginning to hurt. I didn’t care though; I had other things on my mind.

The sky was a light pink and the sun danced upon the clouds. It was late afternoon and the sun was slowly descending in the sky. My cardigan was flapping in the breeze behind me as I rounded a corner into yet another long street.

I could see the field coming up and my heart began to race. Why was I getting butterflies? Was I really that nervous to see my best friend? Well, I hadn’t seen him in a whole fortnight...

I slowed my bike to a stop and got off, walking it beside me onto the fresh green grass. I looked around for him but the field was empty and the sun was disappearing, making it harder to see.


I spun around on my heels, a clueless look across my face as my eyes searched in the direction my name was called. My heart raced the moment I saw him and I couldn’t help but grin.

I broke into a sprint towards him, laughing as he did the same. I just wasn’t very good with stopping. We collided and fell to the ground, me landing on top.

“Hi,” I giggled.

“Hey,” Justin smiled. “I missed you.”

We stayed there for a little while, just looking at one another. His golden brown orbs stared back into mine and a smile played upon both our lips. I noticed Justin hadn’t gotten a hair cut while staying at his dads which made his hair longer than ever.

“You need a haircut.”

Justin laughed and rolled me off onto the grass beside him.

“What are you, my mum?” His hands flew up and then landed beside his body with a thump.

“Sounds stupid hey, I shouldn’t have to tell you to do these things. If you actually listened to her and got a haircut-”

He cut me off by placing a finger to my lips. I sighed and rolled my eyes, propping myself up onto my elbow to look at him properly.

“So how was it?”

“How was what?” he raised an eyebrow.

“Your dads?” I chuckled, he hadn’t changed a bit.

“Right,” he snapped his fingers and sat up. “It was good actually, I got to give Jazzy some cuddles and dad told me some really amazing news.”

“And what is this so called news?”

“I’m getting another little brother or sister!”

“Oh my god Justin, that is amazing! Congrats.”

Justin’s parents had been separated since Justin was a baby so he was okay with the fact that his dad had another family. Time to time he would go to visit his dad, Jeremy. A few years ago Justin’s baby sister was born and I got to go to the hospital with Justin to meet her.



“Do you think that maybe dad won’t have time for me anymore once the baby is born?”

I half smiled; I could see the pain in his eyes. He loved his dad and he meant the world to him. I understood what was going through Justin’s mind; he didn’t want to lose his dad.

My hand found his and I leaned on his shoulder. “Your dad will always love you Justin. You know he’ll always make time for you.”

His lips pressed to my cheek and he whispered a soft thank you.

Let Yourself Fall [Justin Bieber Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now