1. 'I promise'

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Sitting down at my dressing room table looking into my mirror I decided to applied my normal make up which consisted of concealer under my eyes and on any little spots or red patches I might have, foundation all over the face, mascara only on the top lashes because I once heard it makes your eyes look bigger and then I applied little bit of pink lip balm to my lips just to give them a bit of a shine.

Tonight I was going to the cinema with Ellie, who has been my bestfriend since primary three which is nearly eleven years considering I was seven back then and am seventeen nearly eighteen in a few months now so we basically know everything about each other.

She knows that my full name was Skylar Rose Dayes, that I have bright blue eyes, brown curly hair that reaches the middle of my back and that am 5'4 and a half and wish that I was just a little taller. knows that I still don't know what I want to do or be in life but that I desperately want to go travelling. She knows that I don't really have any fears and that I prefer winter over summer.

I know that her full name is Ellie Brooklyn Butler, that she has big brown eyes, long sandy blonde hair that is just slightly smaller than mines and is about 5'3 which I always tease her about just because am a inch and a half taller. I know that she wants to go to uni to become a teacher after having a gap year. I know how she's really scared of the dark and has a big fear of spiders and that she prefers summer over winter.

But we don't just know the things that people could figure out within ten seconds of looking at us or talking to us. We know each other's deepest darkest secrets. We know about each other pass relationships. We know what makes each other scared and we know what makes each other happy.

After perfecting my make up as much as I could I turned my attention from what was in the mirror to the pictures that was stuck around outside it.

There was a family photo of me, my mum, my dad and my dog Joey who was a puppy when the photo was taking. One of my whole extended family like aunts and uncles etc when we were all at a family members wedding. A recent one of Joey who is now a much bigger dog than he was when they family photo was taken. Loads of pictures of me and Ellie making weird faces. A few pictures of concerts me and Ellie have been too such as the arctic monkey one I had forced her to go to and last but not least a picture of me and a curly haired boy who I haven't seen in years but still remember the day he moved away...

Do you have to go away Brad' I asked in my sweetly innocent six year old voice

'Yeah, but I'll come back to visit you all the time over summer am only moving a minute away Sky' Brad smiled giving me a hug before handing me a daisy that he had just pick in my garden when we were playing while my mum am dad was speaking to Brads mum and dad while sitting on the summer seat

'Your not going to be in my class at school anymore when I go back to school' I said sniffing back my tears knowing I was going into primary two without him

'I know' Brad said looking upset

'Please ask your mum if you can live with me and we can go to school together, the park and even Jesse can live with me if you want I don't mind' I begged him

'Okay I'll go ask' Brad grinned running over to his mum before coming back with tears in his eyes

'She said I can't live with you cause she'll miss me to much' Brad sniff

'But I'll miss you Brad, your my bestfriend' I cried

'Don't cry' Brad said even though he was crying too

'You won't be here for my seventh birthday party anymore it's only next month' I sniffed

'I will be there' He smiled before sniffing a wee bit more

'Come on Bradley, it's time to go now say goodbye to Skylar' Brads mum said kneeling down beside Brad

'Bye Sky' He said sniffing

'Brads mummy?' I asked looking at Brads mum

'Yeah sweetie?' She asked

'Can Brad please live with me, my mummy will take care of him' I asked politely

'Ohh am sorry sweetie but Bradley has to come with me but you can come and visit him whenever you want, okay?' She smiled and I give her a hug

'Can Brad come visit us too mummy?' I asked looking up at my mum

'Of course he can Skylar' She smiled looking down at me

'Okay' I sniffed giving Brad one last hug

'Promise you'll never forget me?' I whispered into his ear

'I promise' He smiled

'See you soon Brad' I smiled thinking that I would see him soon

'See you soon' Brad smiled before his dad belted him into his car seat and we waved to each other until his car went out of site

That was 11 years ago, when I was six. That was the last time I ever saw him, he didn't come to my seventh birthday party, nor did we go to each other houses over the summer and he didn't just move a minute away like I thought he did he moved miles and miles away. I took down at the photo and turned it around to look at the back of it and smiled when I saw my scribbly pencil writing which read 'Brad' was still there were I wrote it all those many years ago. I don't know where he is anymore, or what he's doing or if he still has that same curly hair but there's one thing I do know he never kept his promise, he did forgot me.

My phone beeped snapping my out of my day dream about the boy I used to know in the picture

1 New Message;

From Chloe:
I'll be at yours in five minutes x

I quickly texted back before sticking the picture back where it was and heading downstairs to open the front door which I had just heard knocking


This is just kind of a intro to the story I guess. It does get better I swear

Let me know what you think and what you want to happen next


Shannon xo

ON HOLD| You promised never to forget (Bradley Simpson FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now