Chapter 1

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Alone: having no one else present; on one's own. The definition of this word can sometimes be hard to cope with, the fear of being left behind or havering no one around can be frightening and disheartening. Now I can honestly say I understand the true meaning of this word. I of course new what it had meant before but now that I have experienced it to the fullest extent, it seems to hold a deeper meaning.

I have really never felt so alone in my life, Well maybe that is actually because I am alone, completely and utterly alone. Now you might think that I am just a regular nineteen year old drama queen thinking that the whole world is out to destroy me and that my family eternally loathes me. But no, I have much bigger problems then a little bit of pathetic teen drama. For starters my family is dead; in fact the whole planet is dead. Okay... not everyone is dead, but there is only a hand full of us left on this barren waste land. We were left here to die, to be honest I don't even know why I try to live anymore. I have nothing to live for. My family is dead, my friends are dead, hell I'm even starting to feel dead, yet I never quit I keep fighting just hoping and wishing for a miracle to happen.

As I walk alone in these deserted streets, clutching my gun, looking for a car that still may have a working battery in it; memories begin to fill my mind of how this disgusting and primitive world came to be. I remain silent trying not to attract any of the infected as I slowly let my thoughts consume me.


The day started off like any other given day back before the plague came. I pulled up to my school in my rusty and worn white pickup truck. I didn't care what people thought of me I really could have cared less about their opinions. I quickly hoped out of the car and grabbed my backpack swinging it on to my one shoulder, beginning my trek up to the front of my school. As I walked I looked at my surroundings, kids filled in from every direction talking among their social groups and cliques, I never was one for that kind of thing having an assorted crowd of people you're supposed to fit in with. Oh no, me and my friends were the school miss fits, the rejects if you will.

I walked up the steps to the heavy glass door, holding my breath as I swiftly opened it. Once I have stepped into the building I have trigged the event of another school day, another day that I have to pretend like I am actually learning anything. I open my locker, obtaining all the necessary books for my next class, science. Science is the one subject that I ultimately despise.

"Hey Liz," a peppy voice rings out to me. I close my locker to see my best friend Chrissy standing before me with a brilliant smile plastered on to her face.

"Wow, what has you in such a good mood today?" I am taken back by her new found personality that I did not know she could poses. Chrissy was usually so quite she kept all her emotions concealed from the outside world, never letting anyone in, except for me.

"He finally asked me!"

"Who finally asked you what?"

"Jeremy, he finally asked me to go to prom with him!" the excitement slowly drained from my face. Jeremy was also one of my best friends, but Chrissy and he had been dating for about six months; it was plainly obvious that he was going to ask her to prom.

"Congrats," I replied bluntly not seeing what the big fuss was about. At least Chrissy had a date to prom unlike me, because no one would ever ask out boring old Liz. Who would ask out a girl who doesn't like parties, barely likes to talk to people, and has no social life? I really don't want to go to prom but it would be nice if I had at least one person ask me to go with them.

"Well don't be too excited for me" Chrissy said coldly

"Sorry, it's just that I already knew that you two would be going together."

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