Chapter Nine

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After quite a bit of chaos, and arguing with Harry, Hermione was quite exhausted. She threw herself into bed, thinking of all of it. They were alone in the Gryffindor common room, and  Harry finally stopped questioning her when she said, "Honestly, Harry! I can't believe you! How can you talk to your best friend like this?! Don't you trust me at all? I haven't done anything wrong. You act as though I've made Malfoy my best friend and joined the Death Eaters. I had a conversation. You really are being ridiculous and I've had enough of it! Are you going to drop it or did we waste six years of friendship?" Harry looked as though he had been shot. "I'm so sorry Hermione," he said, taking her hand. "I really am...I don't know what came over me. I've been going crazy, watching Malfoy, meeting up with Dumbledore, trying to get the memories from Professor Slughorn, school work, and Sirius-" Harry's voice cracked when he said Sirius's name. Harry looked down at his shoes. She wondered if during his mourning, anyone was ever by his side to comfort him. She realized that Sirius was the only actual family Harry had left in this world. The Dursley's were bad people, she heard enough from Harry to know it. They weren't going to be there for Harry even when he needed them most. Hermione sat down on the sofa next to Harry. She put an arm around him. "I'm sorry, Harry." she whispered. "I'm sorry too." Harry replied.

Draco felt relieved and stressed all at the same time. It was overwhelming. He was glad that he hadn't yet killed a man, but he worried that he would never kill Dumbledore, and get himself and his family killed. Meanwhile, the vanishing cabinet was still not working. He was up all night, trying to make it work, making only a little bit of progress. He finally went back to the Slytherin common room, after arguing with the man in the painting, he was let in, and he threw himself onto the sofa in the common room. Draco was to exhausted to go upstairs, and into his bed. It was a long walk from the Room of Requirement to the common room, and there was only a few hours before he would have to go to class. He couldn't skip, people might notice, and he was already being accused of cursing Katie Bell, he couldn't just miss class the next day. Draco fell asleep almost instantly.


The next day was nothing but classes and meals in the great hall, Hermione and Harry skipped dinner to go to Professor Slughorn's little get together. The dinner would have been pleasant, had Hermione not been the only muggle born, and had not been receiving stares from Cormac, who was sitting at the other end of the table. Hermione and Harry were both invited to the next gathering, which would be a Christmas party. They were meant to bring someone, and she supposed she would bring Ron along. After all, he was one of her best friends, and it wasn't like she had a boyfriend that would mind it. However when Hermione brought it up the next day, he simply dismissed it. Saying she would probably be attending it with Mclaggin. So much for being a good friend. she thought. Harry didn't seem to have any luck either. Ginny had already found her date. Hermione decided she didn't need a date, parties were meant to enjoy, and she would enjoy it with her friends.

Hermione shook her thoughts, and lost herself in a book. She had found it unattended at her favorite spot in the library. Hermione had been so absorbed in her book, that she hadn't noticed when someone pulled out the chair in front of her, and sat at the table. "I thought I'd find you here." said a nearby voice. Startled, Hermione jumped, and her hand went to the wand in her pocket, as she looked up. Malfoy. Hermione let her hand fall onto her lap, as she gave Malfoy a glare. "What do you want?!" she snapped.


Draco somehow always needed to remind himself of the permanant damage he'd done. As if it wasn't already what was always on his mind. He reminded himself now, as he sat in front of Hermione. He shouldn't dare ask her help, but he was desperate. The vanishing cabinet was so close to being finished. "I needed to ask you about vanishing cabinets." Draco said. If looks could kill, Was all Draco could think, when he saw the stare Hermione had given him. She stood up, and left, leaving Draco staring after her. He chased after her, the Hogwarts library was quite huge and no one knew her way around it better than Hermione Granger. "Granger, please. I know I've made a lot of mistakes, but they're in the past, and I know you of all people are mature enough to accept an apology." he said. Hermione stopped and spun around to look at him instantly. "You speak as though you weren't just using your classic insults the other day on me, Malfoy. The only reason you are making any effort is because you need something, and you must be pretty desperate if you have the audacity to ask for my help." she snapped. "You're right," he said, "and I know I don't deserve anyone's help at this point, especially not yours. But Hermione-" "Stop calling me that!" she said suddenly, leaving Draco puzzled for a moment. "Calling you-what? Hermione? That's your name isn't it?" "Yes! However you thought it was necessary to call me by my last name for years as though you were above me somehow, the way a teacher might address a student. So I have returned the favor, but you can't just start calling me by my first name and then apologize once just because you need my help, as if it would be okay! Do you honestly think I can just forgive and forget that quickly? Or even believe that your apology is sincere? How do I know that after you get a hold of what ever information you need, that you aren't going to just turn around and be the same git we all know you to be? Why do you need this information anyway?" Hermione demanded. Draco sighed, as he realized that He built his walls of hate to high, and now he would have to spend the rest of his life taking it down brick by brick. He hoped that what he was about to do would take down quite a few.


Malfoy pulled Hermione into an aisle, she ripped her arm away from his grasp. "What are you doing?" she demanded. "I can answer all those questions, I can. You've got to understand that I would be putting my life and my family's life in danger." he whispered. Hermione felt those words hit her like a dozen hard cover books. "What do you mean?" she found herself whispering back. Draco sighed, he looked so tired. "Not here, not now," he said finally. "Can you meet me in the room of requirement, tonight without anyone knowing?" he asked. Hermione shook her head. "No, I don't trust you, and anway, Harry would find out. He's got-something that would let him know where we both were at." she said. Draco sighed, leaning back into the wall behind him. Draco let his face fall into his hands, as he slid to the ground. Hermione made  herself  stay still. He looked so helpless that she almost wanted to lean down and ask if he was okay. She thought she should turn around and walk away, but something was holding her in place, not letting her move. Malfoy finally looked up at her, and she had never seen anyone with a look like that. He looked as though he were standing on a bridge, waiting for someone to push him. He looked as though his life had been drained out of him, like it was already over before he got to live it. Hermione had never seen the affects of a Dementor's kiss, but this must be what it looked like. The next words he said, were one's she never would have guessed.

"You can bring Potter with you."

Hello readers! So that was chapter nine, I hope you are enjoying it so far! Please leave a comment, I'd love to see what you think about the story so far. Thanks! -jazzyjstar*

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