Wake me up

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karin awoke with a piercing scream.she turned her head and caught a glimpse of her alarm clock. 2:13 it read. sweat dripped down her face and neck as she recalled the horrifying events of her nightmare. "why cant i just let this go" karin asked herself as tears began to stream down her face. karin wrapped her arms around herself, and she wept.

she could still feel his hands roaming her body.

she could still feel his hot breath on her skin. A shiver ran down her spine.


that's what she was for letting him do this to her. "It's been two years karin, get the hell over it" she whispered to herself.

she lay awake in her small room inside one of Orochimaru's many hideouts. Nights like these have been a part of her life ever since he left. she'd thought that once he left, her suffering would go with him, but oh was she wrong. karin really hated nights like these. she constantly helped orochimaru with his experiments, so she needed her rest. A few months ago she came across some pretty strong sleeping pills. They worked, so she kept taking them, but they didn't stop the nightmares that came every few weeks.

by now it's already 3:02. karin reached out beside her, and unconsciously sighed when her hand felt the cool wood of the nightstand."you need your rest. you need them." karin told herself as if she was someone who needed convincing. she fumbled around with drawer handle, and smiled a little in victory when she felt the small medicine bottle touch her hand. 'Relief is in this bottle.' karin thought to herself. she opened the cap of the medicine bottle , and huffed in frustration at what she saw. "only two left huh? i'll just have to get some tomorrow." karin spoke to herself. she downed the last two pills swallowing without water like always. karin laid down, and waited for the pills to take affect, and while doing so she thought of all the things she had to do the following day.

karin groaned inwardly. ' i'd better get some rest before my busy day tomorrow' karin thought to herself. she closed her eyes as she began to fall into sleep.

This time she didn't dream of him, but for some reason her dreams were filled with a certain white haired, purple eyed idiot.

smol chapter lol BUT I'M A FETUS WRITER SO FIGHT MEEE!!!!!!!!

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