╰ introduction.

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( caitlin snow! )

( caitlin snow! )

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❛ you keep messing with everyone's lives, wrecking everything, and we're left behind to pick up the pieces from your mistakes. some things you break can't be put back together!

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or , the highly intelligent bio-engineer who doubles as the personal physician to the fastest man alive ( along with others ) . despite good intentions and a heart of gold , caitlin is naturally very cold , arguably worse than her own mother . everyday , she endures a war against herself as te temptation to become killer frost grows increasingly stronger .

she is also quite guarded in the hopes of protecting herself from getting heartbroken once more . after losing her fiance twice and being kidnapped by the man she'd regrettably allowed herself to trust , she's quite wary of involving herself with anyone again . regardless of how much she may love them .

however , caitlin is protective of those she cares for . at the end of the day , no matter how far she may delve into her icier side , she would do anything to keep them safe .

 at the end of the day , no matter how far she may delve into her icier side , she would do anything to keep them safe

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her protective nature does not end there . as a child , caitlin used to practice the hippocratic oath . if anyone as much as stepped on a bug , she would say do no harm . it's a belief she's had ingrained in her , as both of her parents were doctors . it's in her dna . unfortunately , her dna isn't what it used to be .

long ago , caitlin perfected the act of repressing her emotions . especially sadness or anger . she fears that , if she lets them out , they will never go away . it will never stop . this leads to the reason why her cryokinesis capabilities are no longer dormant . killer frost escapes when she is angered , terrified , or much sadder than she cares to let on .

  and when that happens , well , do no harm becomes easily forgettable .

  and when that happens , well , do no harm becomes easily forgettable

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( penned by jeanette! official caitlin snow anon. established in november 2017. selective. faceclaim is danielle panabaker && misc. indie && pansexual. based during seasons one, two, three, four, && five. owner of the official arrowverse group. )

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