Unexpected Journey

Start from the beginning

      Around 8:25am the wine color Maserati arrives at Alexa Worthington's residence. She exits her car and proceeds towards the house. While getting closer to the house, she notices beer bottles, cans and trash on the ground and overflowing in the trash cans in the yard. She shakes her head in disgust as she continues to the front door. She bangs ever so loud that Jamal whom is upstairs wakes up. He slowly looks over to the right and sees the time on the clock. After realizing that he slept entirely too long, he jumps up and goes into the bathroom. Back at the front door Ava turns the door knob and realizes that the door is unlocked. Jamal, are you here she yells. She receives no reply and so decides to go inside to look further. Being that she has been here before, she knows the layout of the house and decides to go upstairs due to the loud snoring that she hears. She arrives at the bedroom door and slowly opens the door. She goes inside and sees Alex lying in bed knocked out. As she stands there Jamal comes out of the bathroom putting back on his shirt. After he gets his head through his shirt, he sees Ava standing there in front of him. He jumps out of shock. Hey baby you startled me says Jamal. Ava replies don't hey baby me! I knew that you and she had something going on! At that moment Alex rolls over from beneath the cover and her entire backside becomes exposed. Just like I thought says Ava. You FUCKED HER! Jamal replies I DIDN"T! She was drunk and I put her to bed. Ava replies you put her to bed. Do you know how that sounds plus you didn't come home last night. She's my best friend Ava says Jamal. I wasn't going to let something bad happen to her. I planned on coming home after the party but I fell asleep in the chair. Alex now awakens and is wondering what is going on. My head is killing me says Alex. Ava replies that won't be all that's killing you after I'm finished with you. Alex slightly opens her eyes and in confusion sees Ava in her room angrily arguing with Jamal. Can you two go somewhere else and argue? I feel like crap. Ava looks at the both of them, shakes her head and now walks away. You two can go to hell she screams. Wait Ava says Jamal. He pursues her downstairs and outside until she enters her car. Baby, don't go says Jamal. Nothing happened between us. Ava replies you expect me to believe that a man being in the room with a naked woman that nothing won't happen. Jamal replies I can't speak for all men but nothing happened between her and me. That girl is like a sister to me and you know that. I don't know why you are so jealous of her anyways. Ava replies you spend more time with her than me. Jamal replies that's because you are never around. You're always at your father's multimillion dollar consulting firm working for him. You never make the time for us to spend together and you're preaching to me? Ava replies guess what? I'm not going to make the time either. I tried to make you into somebody. Jamal replies you tried to turn me into someone that I'm not. Everything that I say is wrong and everything that you say is correct. Ava replies if I can't change you then I don't need you. I want you and your things out of my condo by the end of the day. Jamal replies you really want me to leave? Ava says nothing. By law you have to give me at least 30 days says Jamal. Ava replies you know how powerful my father is in this city. If I go to him, you'll be out in 30 minutes and the law won't matter. Jamal stands there speechless with his head lowered. I guess I'll be out by the end of the day says Jamal. Ava reaches into her purse and pulls out one thousand dollars. Here is something to help you get on your way says Ava. Jamal replies I don't want your money. Ava replies think about it. You have nowhere to go. You are nothing without me. Let's see how far you can go on one thousand dollars before you come back to me begging. Jamal takes the money and now realizes the she never really cared for him. I'll use this to better myself and I will repay you your money but I'm never coming back. Ava replies tell that bitch that you are all hers now. Ava now speeds off while Jamal stands there watching until she gets out of sight. He re-enters the house, goes upstairs and enters Alex's room. Before he can speak Alex asks why were the two of you arguing? Jamal sits on the bed beside her and replies because I saw you drunk and naked. Alex replies oh. NAKED? WHAT DO YOU MEAN NAKED? Jamal replies I brought you up here last night because you were heavily intoxicated. You vomited on me several times and then stripped naked. You tried naked dancing but it didn't go in your favor. I then tried to put you to bed when you made a pass at me. Eventually I got you into bed where you slept soundly. I went into your bathroom and washed my vomit stain shirt. I sat here in this chair and fell asleep. I woke up and went back into the bathroom to retrieve my shirt but went I came back out Ava was standing here. Alex replies let me guess. She thinks that we had sex. Jamal replies yes she does. Alex replies I'll talk to her. I'll clear this all up. She never liked me anyway so it shouldn't be a problem. Jamal replies I don't think that it will help. Alex replies why not? Jamal replies she just kicked me out and gave me a thousand dollars to start a new life. Alex replies well maybe that's a good thing. I don't know what you ever saw in that spoiled blonde chick. I never liked her because she always treated you like crap. The average black man would have left her ass a long time ago. Jamal replies I think I stayed with her because people expected me to. I did like her. Alex replies did you love her? Jamal replies no I didn't. I tried but those feelings never developed. Alex replies you're a good man. It's her loss and someone else's gain. You do know that you have a place here if you need it. Jamal replies thanks for the offer but I haven't experienced anything good in this city. You are an exception but I think that I will just leave New York all together. Alex sits up and grabs Jamal's hand. I don't want you to leave says Alex. Jamal kindly and gently rubs her hand. Put on some clothes and we will talk about it later says Jamal. There are some things that I have to take care of. Jamal now leaves the room and goes downstairs. He exits the house and goes to the bus stop across the street. Minutes later a city transit bus arrives and Jamal takes it to Ava's residence. After making numerous stop along the way, the city bus finally reaches Ava's condo. Jamal exits the bus and walks towards the front door. As he gets closer he notices a green military duff bag sitting by the front door. Now that he has reached the bag he also notice a note attached to it. The note reads: Here is all of your shit. Take it and never come here again. P.S. You can keep the key because the locks have been changed. Enjoy your life......chow! I can't believe that she really would put my stuff outside he says. Anyone could have stolen my belongings. Jamal looks through the bag and discovers that all of his belongings are there including his sketch pad which he loves. Jamal, with his eyes full of water, places the note in the bag. He lifts the bag and places it on his right shoulder. He now begins to walk away in the vicinity of Alex's house. After about a block away he stops and looks back at Ava's condo. Wiping tears away from his eyes, he now turns around and continues walking.

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