[prologue] Love Is In The Air

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Casey Rivers placed her head in her hand, her elbow propped up on the lunch table, staring at the tray in front of her. She definitely wasn't feeling hungry. In fact, she wanted to just vanish into thin air, never to be found again. Plus, no one really loved her, so no one would miss her at all.

Her best friend for six years, Holly Evers, suddenly sat next to her, placing her tray full of food on the lunch table. "Still hung over about it, Casey?" She asked, a worried frown littered across her face. Casey looked up at her, and her eyes said it all. Holly looked down at her tray, nodding slowly, brushing a lock of hair away from her face. There was an eerie silence that fell between the two then.

"It's not that I hate him now or anything, Hols. We're still friends - good friends. But...it still hurts, y'know?" Holly nodded at her, even though Casey was sure she didn't know. Holly never had a boyfriend, therefore she never had to break up with one, either. Actually, it was Willis who had broken up with her, not the other way around. He said that he just didn't think that they were going to work out, and then they split. Casey had been so sure about him, but it seemed like they were wrong for each other. Well, at least Willis thought they were.

Lance suddenly popped in, sitting in front of them, setting his own lunch tray on the table, a sad smile on his face. "You alright, Case?" He asked her, eyes full of pity. Casey sighed, shrugging rather than saying anything. She was sick and tired of all the pity she was getting from her friends now-a-days. She really felt like throwing up now. Making a face, she pushed her lunch tray away, then placed her head in her hand again, blowing bits of hair away from her eyes in irritation.

But then she told herself to perk up. There were plenty of fish still in the sea, after all! How hard is it to find a lover, anyway? After all - Casey was Dr. Love, or that was what everyone called her since she loved match-making so much.

And so, she straightened up, her hands falling off of the lunch table, and she forced herself to smile at her friends. "Well - it's not too bad, is it? I am Dr. Love, after all. Love is in the air, folks! And I'm ready to help some people fall in love!" Casey chimed happily.

Lance snorted, the happy atmosphere finally settling in. "Yeah, more like you're ready to force some people to fall in love." He retorted. Holly laughed, and the two high-fived each other.

Casey narrowed her eyes on the British boy. "Just for that, you're first, Lance."


A/N: And so the craziness starts. Like Casey said, Lance is up first. :) Who is he going to get paired up with? Well, you'll have to see, won't you? ;)

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