"Sir yes sir",I replied,"when do we go?"

"Now",Holland replied,"grab your gear and get to the chopper."

We all sighed.

"Sir",I said,"with all due respect we are exhausted,unless you want us falling dead from fatigue,I highly suggest you send a fully combat capable team."

My team and I were exhausted. It had been mission after mission for the past month and we'd been going on what sleep we could get on the flys between the operation zones and Charlie. Our condition worsened after each mission.

"I now it's been one hard mission after another for you and your team Major",Holland replied,"but you guys get shit done and get it done well,Ineed you in the field at the present moment,dismissed."

We stood and walked out of the command tent,went to our rooms and my friends grabbed their gear while I reconfigured my vest to hold my Mk-48 ammo. With that done I puled a desert digital jacket on over my combat shirt and set my vest over it before grabbing my 48 and walking to the waiting chopper. I climbed in and took a seat as it lifted off.

"How long till we make our AO?",I asked the pilot.

"Bout six hours",the pilot replied,",I'd get some sleep."

"Don't need to tell me twice",I said closing my eyes and quickly falling off.

Hours later,the chopper touched down,stirring me from my sleep.

"Were here",the pilot said.

We quickly piled out and the chopper took off.

"Everyone gather around",I said pulling out my map,"were right above the compound. From what I saw in the pictures at base,the area is crawling with hostiles,which is a good indication that our traitor is still here."

"How we going in?",Frank asked.

"Quietly",I replied.

Frank smirked,"my specialty."

I was folding my map back up when I noticed we were missing someone.

"Wait",I said,"where the fuck is Hudson?"

"Up there",Wyatt said motioning to a tall cliff,"he's running a scout on a few possible insertion points to make sure we aren't ambushed."

I nodded and tucked my map back in my vest before sitting on an old crate and starring out at the barren landscape. It was like something out of Mad Max,a bonified desert wasteland,empty of life and full of death. There was a soft thump as a coil of rope landed on the sand and Hudson began repelling down the side of the cliff.

"It's show time",he said landing.

"What ya see brother?",I asked.

"Sand,sand more sand and some more fucking sand",Hudson snuffed,red in the face from the heat.

"Were in the middle of the Afghan desert",I replied sarcastically,"did ya expect roses?"

"Can it John",Hudson snuffed,"let's get this traitor."

I cocked my 48,"I vote kill."

"I vote kill",Hudson said,"I read the books and seen the movies,take the guy alive and it blows up in your face."

"Guy's about to be in a shit load of hurt",Issac said.

Wyatt charged his SCAR and checked his pistol before nodding that he was ready. Jackson and Frank did the same and we began to walk towards the road that ran above the cave. There was an intact guard rail that we could reppel from and take anyone on guard duty by surprise. As we were walking out onto the road,I stopped as something had caught my eye with a dim glimmer. Stuck in a decayed body between two boulders,was an Egyptian sword. The sheath was laying on the ground next to it,all three like they hadn't been touched in decades.

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