My Man

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I didn't expect that love can make you a different person or maybe it can change you into someone that you never thought you'll become.

I'm actually in a three year relationship before James and to be honest I'm no virgin before him. I mean it's just sex, it's a package deal when you are with someone and I think that intimacy is very important in a relationship. I remember the first time that we did it with my ex boyfriend, they say it's always been awkward the first time which is true and it's damn painful too. I remember moaning not in pleasure but in pain but I need to bear with it to please my partner and because I was also inlove.

Sex is always been amazing especially when you do it with someone you really love. We did it in his room every weekend after work 'coz we only see each other once in a while since we are both busy with our individual life. It was sort of a routine for us and an obligation for me since I'm his girlfriend but I never complain, it's still amazing.

There's this time that he went abroad to visit some relatives so we haven't seen for almost two months. I missed him very much but I never thought about sex at all. It's not on top of my priority though it's important but it never sink in in my mind. I can live without it.

When James happened, I discovered an updated version of myself. I never thought that being with him brings out what is hidden within me or I guess it comes out only for him.

Everyday with him is a torture. Who can resist my oh-so-fucking hot boyfriend. My James Reid. He's mine.

His smell is like a potion running through my viens, his lips so soft that I couldn't stop tasting and oh his body, how I wish it can be attached to mine forever.

Every hour without him is an agony. We always see each other but I can't stop dreaming everytime we're inches apart. I might sound like a crazy fangirl drooling around her crush but it's kinda true. I'm still not used to my boyfriend's presence most especially when we kiss, it still feels like the first time.

I remember the first time we did it in his room. Amazing is an understatement. He's a selfless lover and he's fucking good in bed. He makes sure that I feel good too. That was the best sex ever not just because of his size and skills but because we're so inlove.

After that my sex appetite has changed. Before, I can live without it but with James it's like a ritual that needs to be done everytime and everywhere. And he also competes with my libido that makes us more compatible.

Lauren gave us a title as a horndog couple because she always caught us in every corner of their house but one thing I like about her is that she never interrupted us and just leaves like nothing happened. I guess she is just used to it. I blamed James for not reaching his room everytime we feel like doing it.

We always do it everywhere but we make sure that no one is around except Lauren I guess coz we're practically living in the same roof. We do it in the car, in the pool, in the kitchen and even in our tent but we are always careful.

I can't control myself when I'm with him. I just tell him that I'm horny and then he will start talking dirty in my ears and we're done.

JC, my ex boyfriend was the one who took my v card and James knew about it. It was just a casual conversation and he would also tells me about his flings back then so it doesn't matter now but for James it still pained him knowing that JC was my first. He can't avoid to feel bad about it. It doesn't matter anymore since it's already in the past. But one thing James was insecure about is that he knows that JC is still into me. We broke up because he wants me to pursue my dreams so it wasn't a bad break up at all and we remain friends after. Since I'm an honest girlfriend to James, I told him that JC hasn't move on from me yet. JC and I still text each other as friends but it's not all the time since he knows that I'm already with James. I completely moved on from him but he told me that he's still trying to get over me. I felt bad for him but I know that he will find someone that deserves his love. I appreciate his honesty and he also respects my relationship with James. I know he's trying to get over me and started dating other girls but he cannot erase me in his life and so am I. We also started as friends so it's hard to just unfriend each other after all it was not a bad break up and we didn't fought at all.

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