Finns POV
We all decided to split up and look around the house, just in case.
I sprinted through the house, following the sound of the screams and ignoring my friends telling me to be careful.
I found myself standing in front of a door, and opened it, seeing that it lead downstairs.
I wasted no time in flying down the stairs, finding myself standing in a room filled with at least six doors, all of them being closed.
I noticed something in the corner of the room, a rope hanging from the ceiling, and another one attached to the wall, looking like someone cut them.
But what worried me most was the small trail of blood leading to the door in the far corner of the basement.
I didnt even think about it, just charged at the door as fast as i could, slamming into it and causing it to fling open.
There were no lights on in the room, but with the light from the hallway i could see her.
Tied to the bed, completely naked, with a dark strip of tape over her mouth.
My first reaction was to avert my eyes, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable, and thats when i saw him.
Cowering in the corner of the room, staring at me wide eyed, in the middle of putting his buckle on his pants.
I strutted across the room, grabbing him by the shirt and slamming him against the wall as hard as i could.
"How fucking dare you touch her!"
I could barely see, all i felt was pure rage.
He started to say something and i punched him square in the face, knocking his teeth in and slamming him against the wall
"How fucking dare you!"
I could hear footsteps upstairs and dragged him out of the room, punching him in the nose, feeling a crunching under my fist.
He tried to punch me, but I caught his fist, throwing him to the ground and pinning him down, punching him over and over and over, until he was practically unconscious, his face so beat up it was unrecognizable.
"Ill kill you! Ill fucking kill you you little shit! How fucking dare you touch my girl! Im gonna kill you!"
I screamed in between punches, my knuckles turning purple and covered in blood, and even when my friends tried to pull me off him, i kept punching and punching.
His head slumped back and he was unconscious, but i kicked him hard in the side until my friends dragged me away.
I felt tears of anger brim my eyes, thinking about everything he couldve done to her.
I turned to go back to her, but Millie put a hand on my arm, stopping me.
"Finn you cant go in there, she's completely naked"
I rolled my eyes, shrugging her off me
"Shes my fucking girlfriend" i snapped, before walking back in the room.
Sadie and Sophia were working on untying her, and I avoided looking at her, out of respect for her.
I noticed a knife laying on the floor covered in.. oh my god, blood.
I swallowed the urge to cry when i saw it, and picked it up off the ground, using it to hep cut her loose.
Sadie gently took the tape off her mouth, and I finally cut her completely free.
As soon as she was free she sat up, a sob escaping her body and breaking my heart.
She engulfed Sadie and Sophia in a hug, crying into Sophias shoulder while they rubbed her back and whispered sweet words to her.
Sadie and I made eye contact, and she nodded knowingly, leaving with Sophia and giving Kelsie and I some space.
I sat in front of her and her eyes landed on mine, tears welling up in them again.
She slowly reached her hand out and touched my face lightly, like she was seeing if i was real.
I couldnt take it anymore, i wrapped my arms around her and engulfed her into my body, pulling her onto my lap and rocking back and forth.
She cried onto my shoulder silently, and i cried too, running my hands through her hair to calm her down.
She was shaking like crazy, and I rubbed my hand on her bare back, trying to calm her down.
As soon as i touched her she flinched, pulling away from me and staring at me in fear, and i knew why, it broke my heart.
I whispered reassuringly, looking deep into her eyes and gently tilting her chin up to look at me
"I would never, ever, do anything to hurt you. Never. You're safe now. Ill never let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise"
I pulled her back into my chest, drawing circles on her back to calm her down
"I promise" I whispered again, holding her as close to me as I possibly could.
I felt her relax against me, and gently put her on the bed, taking my sweatshirt off and handing it to her without looking at her.
Since she was so small, the sweatshirt went down to her knees, and just as she put it on the door opened, revealing Jack and Wyatt.
They smiled gently at her, giving her quick hugs, as did the rest of the boys, and soon we were on our way out.
When we got upstairs, the house was surrounded by police cars and flashing lights.
They wanted to question Kelsie, but i knew it was too much for her to handle, so i sat in the car with her while Ella briefly explained what had happened.
When they brought Jacob out in hand cuffs, Kelsie buried her head in my chest and gripped my shirt tightly.
Before they put him in the car, he sent Kelsie the most unsettling smile ive ever seen, and it took me everything not to get out of the car and beat his ass again.
Eventually we were on our way home, Ella drove my car and I sat in the back with Kelsie on my lap, leaning her head on my chest with my arms wrapped around her securely.
Her breathing eventually grew steady, and i knew she had fallen asleep on me, which i didnt mind at all.
I can only imagine how much sleep that little piece of shit let her get.
We arrived back at the house and i said goodbye to everyone before carrying her upstairs to her bed.
I set her down gently, pulling the covers over her and kissing her forehead lightly.
Before i could walk away, she grabbed my arm tightly, her eyes suddenly wide and full of fear.
"Please dont leave me" she croaked, her eyes starting to water.
I took my shoes off and climbed into bed with her, pulling her into my arms and laying her head on my chest, feeling her heartbeat against me.
"Never" I whispered, kissing her nose softly, and drifting into a much needed sleep with her in my arms.

Wow this was intense. Im sorry if it was too much for people to handle. I worked on this for a while tho, hope u didnt hate it too much

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