My Sides - Logic

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I'm a big fan of Thomas Sanders' Sanders Sides 

So I've been brainstorming; if my traits/sides had a physical for what would they look like, what would their names be, how would they act, and so on

So I decided to draw them

I'm going to be revealing them in the order of the Sanders Sides name reveals

So first up is:

So first up is:

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My logic, Michelle

.neat freak

.enjoys plain vanilla ice cream over all else

.relaxes by reading in the mind garden

.her nemesis is Anger 

.against any and all kinds of animal abuse

.has read Harry Potter too many times 

.fascinated by astrology 

. gallus gallus domesticus ova's (chicken eggs) is her prefered food

.usually wears reds and blues

.needs to chill

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