:Chapter 2:

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Later on, when the sky was sparkling with stars, Frost and Tundra flew out of the Ice Kingdom to hunt for dinner.

Tundra would usually hunt with her siblings for the biggest polar bear or whale, but most of the time it would be presented at the royal dinner and she would end up eating small amounts. So, she would hunt with Frost at night, because that's when he usually eats.

Being half Nightwing means that he is more alive at night than in the day, which is another reason why he stays in bed most of the day. No one bothers him in the day, some of the time. The king and queen had tried to make him have a regular sleeping schedule but no matter what he would always fall asleep in the middle of the day.

This was another reason why he was the outcast of the family, because they all slept at night while he was wide awake.

He would be completely alone if Tundra hadn't stayed up with him. She may be an Icewing, but she was a night owl. She loved flying around at night with Frost, even if she was exhausted after a long day of royal duties. Frost would sometimes have to tell her to get some sleep so she wouldn't stay up all night.

"There!" Tundra suddenly said, pointing her talon at the water.

Leaping from it was a large fish, its silver scales sparkled like diamonds in the moonlight, which made it an easy target for Frost.

Frost gave a glance over at Tundra before diving down at the water, his claws outstretched as he sped toward it. His wings tucked to his sides, his eyes narrowed, his heart picking up speed the closer he got to the water. The rush of the cold water smacked him as he was submerged beneath the surface.

The sound of an empty void filled his ears. A calming silence washed over him, catching him in a trance like state.

But it didn't distract him from his goal.

Frost flared his wings and flapped, the force carrying him out of the water. He burst through the surface and drank in a breath of the cold night air.

In his talons, flapping around madly, was the silver fish he was after. It's scales looked like a million flashing lights as it panicked.

Frost hovered to the ice bank, laughing breathlessly, "I did it! I can't believe it!" He cried.

This was the first fish he had ever caught by himself. Usually when he tried it slipped from his talons and swam away. But this time he wouldn't lose this one.

"Good job Frost!" Tundra said, landing next to him. Her scales sparkling like freshly fallen snow. She extended her claws out and took the fish from him, putting it out of it misery before handing it back to him, "It's a nice catch for you first one".

Frost felt a wave of pride wash over him as he took the fish, anxious to see what it tasted like. But before he did he looked up at his older sibling, "Do you want to share?".

"Nope, you caught it, you eat it. Besides I already ate" Tundra said, laying down and playing with the water at her talons.

Frost laid down with her, "O-Okay".

He set it in the snow and used his talons to slice the fish into neat slices, so he could eat them.

His older adopted brother Blizzard always made fun of him when he did it, and it effected how he ate by day. This was why he never ate around anyone but Tundra, because she didn't care.

It was weird to him how such a highly respected dragon could love a hybrid like himself. He wondered if she was embarrassed at all by him...was she?

"The stars are beautiful tonight" Tundra said, slicing through Frost's thoughts as he ate.

He followed her gaze, looking up at the sparkling sky, "Yeah, they are".

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