Chpt. 3 ~ Sheets.

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Serj leaned his head on Daron's shoulder then.
He felt pretty awkward, probably because of the fact he was the only one to be naked.

Daron called for attention in the softest way, as his hand went to stroke and play with his hair.

Serj made a small moan, and crouched near his neck like he asked for more.

The smaller so went ahead, and his eyes looked up to the ceiling.

–..Serj, what are we doing...

The older went to squeeze the guitarist, and hid his face between his neck and sheets.
He sighed.

–Daron, are you in love with me?
His head lifted to look up at the smaller, who seemed a tad nervous.
–..Like, do you love me as I do?
–H-how do you love me..?
The boy answered. He was scared to let Serj see how many feelings his chest was filled by.

–I love you like I love..
The man clarified his voice, as his hand stroked the smaller' arm.
–..Hot showers. And sleep. And..
He paused.
–I don't know.. I just love you to death.

Daron looked touched by his words, and smiled softly.
–You're the most important person, for me.
He kissed Serj's forehead, before closing his eyes.

–Daron,, what if..
The singer went up, and hugged the boy tightly.

–Do you want to be my.. Boyfriend?
He asked, voice full of fragility.

The smaller winced and looked up to him.
–You're, s-serious..?
Daron made a little surprised face, and nodded rapidly.
–Yes!! Yes, yes, yes, yes...~
He hid his face in his chest, kissing the skin repeadetly.

And Serj sighed in happiness, while holding him close.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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