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Woojin- 26
Hyunjin- 23
Jinyoun- 2

Woojin and Hyunjin live in a nice house with two floors near the river. Their life is going like a fairy tail

Woojin's pov

I woke up this morning by some shouts from outside. I honestly wish I could sleep a little more but I guess that's just a dream.

I ran outside and saw Jinyoung and Hyunjin running around. Probably playing tag

WJ: "Have you guys eaten yet?"

HJ: "Nope. Can you make us some breakfast?"

WJ: "Sure"

I ran back inside and dicided to make pancakes. Soon the smell ran through the whole house and even outside

Hyunjin and Jinyoung ran inside and sat on the table ready to eat

JY: "Pancakes?"

WJ: "Yes sweetie they will be ready in a few minutes"

JY: " Can I have chocolate with them?"

HJ: "Sure"

He stood up and got the chocolate. Jinyoung took it happily waiting for his pancakes

When they were ready I put them on the table. Hyunjin and Jinyoung start to eat while I make some juice

That's how our mornings go

Hey guys I hope you liked this first chapter

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