Chapter 1: Everything Has A Beginning

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Every story starts with a beginning and mine is especially horrific. The name my mom gave me was Adonis which if you know is pretty powerful on its own but being a mix of all the best breeds had its perks. As a puppy I was weak, fragile, and small and could barely walk. My mom told me that that was just because my immune system wasn't ready to kick in. She was right. I'm a German Shepard, Siberian Husky, and Pitbull mix and instead of starting out strong I ended up being the best of all dogs, everyone wanted me to breed with their dogs but none of the offspring ended up even close to how perfect I was I mean breeding wise other than that I was a bad dog for the most part except for saving the world a few times but I'll tell you about that later. We're gonna start with what I remember first. 

I was with my mom and we were looking for some food in an alley and we had just hit the motherload but everything good gets ruined by a bunch of scrawny dogs that closed us in and started talking. "Oh boys look what we have here!" With each word he said they got closer. My mom was beginning to look even more scared by the second but through all that she managed to tell me to run. I couldn't move I was way to scared but hearing what that dog said ring over and over in my head broke me I moved quicker than I knew possible. I don't know what happened next but I eventually woke up in a hospital. I had no idea where I was but I certainly didn't feel safe. The doctor walked in and reached for my neck I got scared and growled. He just laughed and said "Don't worry boy I just have to put this collar on you and you'll be taken home." 

I didn't like the sound of it but I knew what would happen if I bit him. I let him put on the collar and got up and waited for someone to walk in. I was waiting for a few minutes before I noticed that this collar felt heavy compared to the other ones I've worn so I looked down and saw that it had a badge with a dark star on it. The longer I sat there the more tired I felt, but it was weird because I was only sitting there for like five minutes. Eventually I passed out and woke up in a pet carrier. "Where am I?" after I said that it was dropped onto a couch and I was let out of the carrier. I slowly crawled out and looked around. The room I was in was huge and decorated with a lot of things that looked very expensive. 

Then I saw the man that had carried me to where ever I was. He was well built and was wearing a very nice tuxedo that matched his hair. He looked at me and smiled like he was trying to cheer me up. Then he looked away and called out someone's name. "Ryder I'm back." All I heard was the pounding of foot steps and then a young boy walked in. He couldn't have been more than eight but he looked like he was skilled enough to treat me right. I got really shy when I saw him though. "H-hello there." He looked surprised when I spoke and handed the man in the suit two one hundred dollar bills. 

He looked at me and asked me what my name was. "Adonis Chase Revolt, my mom told me it would lead me to my destiny. But uh you can just call me Chase." He looked at me in awe. Then he motioned for me to follow him and lead me down a long corridor and into a huge garden with a tower in the middle of it surrounded by two dog houses that looked really cool. "Marshall where are you?" Just a few seconds after I heard panting coming right at me fast and something made me react super quick as I dodged a near disaster. The boy pet the dog which caused me to let my guard down. 

I walked up to him and looked him in the eyes. "Hi I'm Adonis but you can call me Chase." He looked at me kind of surprised. "Wow I thought I was the only one!" I looked puzzled. "What do you mean the only one?" "The only dog that could speak and not just bark." "Wait some dogs can't do that?" He looked even more surprised and then looked at my body. "Whatever that doesn't matter right now. What kind of breed are you?" "Well everyone thinks that I'm the perfect breed but I'm actually three breeds German Shepard, Siberian Husky, and Pitbull, but the thing is something happened to my mom when she was pregnant and I absorbed all my other brothers and sisters. 

But the weirdest thing is that I kind of have super powers but don't know how to control most of them." "Haha very funny your not a superpup." Everyone does this so I grabbed his hand and spoke to him telepathically. "How funny is it now?" He jerked his hand back and laughed. We all talked for a little bit longer and then they told me what they were doing. "We are trying to create the ultimate team." They took me into the tower and took me to the top floor. They showed me how they found me and Marshall and then Ryder said one more thing. "... A pup powers this whole place." It was almost dark and Ryder sent us to bed. Marshall walked and talked with me. "Adonis do you know where you're from?" It was weird to hear him say that but I guess everyone had to be born somewhere, right. "Well of course I know where I'm from. It's a big town called Adventure Bay."

Ok so this is something I wrote a few years ago. Let me know how you like it and if you'd like me to continue it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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