|| Chapter 6 ||

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I believe when the sky dawns to dusk and the dinner party's begin are the most wonderful times on this ship. I've been to balls before, several actually, but none are as grand as this. Tonight I was clad in a formal dark emerald gown that was trimmed with silk ruffles and white lace. My hair, per usual, was in the largely curled pigtails that they were always in. The gown in my opinion was bland and not as adorable as my others, but I decided to wear it in order to save my prized recently purchased gown for a night that seems more fitting.

I currently walk down a hall, glowing golden with the dim lights trailing down the walls. The carpet is a dark red that could blend in to any black. The halls empty, the only thing that is audible is the soft chatter of the fellow guests attending the party in the other room.

I wonder what Ciel is wearing..

Prior today I had tried to convince him to wear a suit I thought would look amazing on him, but as expected he refused to ever wear it. It left me sour for a bit but I soon got over it, as usual. I began to rush my pace a bit down the hall, considering no one was there to watch me. My hands eagerly grabbed ahold of the door handle yanking it open, the first thing that came to view would probably be the large display of dark elegant colors. The red carpet, the cream tiles of the ball floor, the wooden walls, the gold lining, it was all so much and so amazing to take in. No manor in my opinion could come close to recreating this beauty.

It was then, though, out of the glowing lights and glamorous sights that my attention was set on something entirely different... someone entirely different. Ciel. He was walking down the staircase opposite from me, he was clad in an outfit entirely different and not at all resembling the one I had chosen for him. Then again, seeing him now wearing this.. I'm happy he didn't wear it. A smile more real than my previous one grew onto my lips as I hurried from my dazed state to reach Ciel quicker. My hand raised, waving eagerly towards him. I could tell he noticed me due to the stunned expression that over came his face. It was odd, I could have almost mistaken a blush on his cheeks.

"Ciel!" I cheered, my hand grabbing his while yanking him down the last few steps he had left. "You look positively handsome in that attire your in, I'm relived you hadn't decided to wear what I'd chosen for you!" I gushed. My arm linked with his, squeezing it in a tight embrace.

"Handsome? That's not a word you address me with commonly." He muttered, just loud enough for my ears to catch. True, I could have said adorable but I would have been lying. Not that Ciel doesn't look adorable, Ciel is always adorable. But right here, in this moment he was beyond handsome. His beautiful looks will always be to much for my simple words to describe.

We entered the room where the guest would actually be dining, the area packed with several passengers making conversation with eachother. My eyes scanned my surroundings, although it was all still the same. Wonderful and extravagant. Even the beads and jewels attached to gowns and accessories shined in lit room. Of course as expected, we were both stopped by others who were interested in making small talk with Ciel. My presence was only acknowledged because I was his dear betrothed. Other than that I was left holding tightly onto Ciel arm as I listened to pointless and snooze worthy chatter. I can't at all figure out how on earth Ciel is capable of doing this on a daily basis. If I were in his position, I would have already walked off.. politely of course. Then again, Ciel is the head of the Phantomhives now so this type of engagement will always be a manor he is forced to deal with. Poor thing, he should be able to enjoy his free time without obvious suck ups trying to work there way into his business. If I could I would drag him away to somewhere without all of this.

If only.

It must have been an hour until the waiters emerged and Ciel had a proper and reasonable excuse to take his seat. Fortunately the table only had enough room to fit him and I and the rest of my family. No more small talk with fellow nobles.

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