Chapter 2: Meetings and a road trip

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It was the last day of school. It was almost time for the bell to ring and release us all. Just five more minutes...

"What are you doing?" A voice interrupted my intense focus on the clock. I looked up and saw my teacher, Ms. Periwinkle (funny name, I know).

"Well", she said impatiently. I had to think of SOMETHING, so I said, "Trying to make summer break come faster."

"Too bad," she said rudely. "Now shut up and watch Justin Bieber's newest music video."

Ugh! I HATE Justin Bieber!!! But Ms. Periwinkle practically worshiped the ground he walks on. That was why today, she had us watch his music videos. I try not to judge people who do like him, but I just don't like him. My boyfriend Garter and I spent most of the time secretly making fun of Justin Bieber.

I glanced at the clock. Just two more minutes...

I saw Justin Bieber shirtless. One more minute...59, 58, 57...

He sung his chorus.

43, 42, 41...

He sung about his feelings.

29, 28, 27, 26...

He sang the chorus again.

17, 16, 15, 14...

He sang it again.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3...2...1...

RIIIIIING!!!! The bell finally came to save the day! Everyone was flooding out of the school like water.

When Garter and I saw my mother's car, we hopped in and he introduced himself.

"Well, nice to meet you, Garter," she started. "Now listen. I'm gonna set some ground rules for the trip we're going to take. Number one, don't go anywhere without me. Number two, do not speak to my mother unless you're spoken to. And number three, we leave as soon my daughter gets acquainted with my mother."

He looked at her nervously but surely and replied, "Yes, ma'am."

About eighteen minutes later, we reached my house. We all got out and went in for a quick meal of turnip soup and citrus tea. Of course I savored it, and I knew Garter did, too. My mother was an awesome cook, and I always savored my food like it was my last. I looked at Garter's face and I could tell he was enjoying his food.

"You should invite me over more often," he exclaimed as he stuffed his face with the soup.

My mother giggled. "Maybe she will."

After we finished our food, I went to my room and grabbed my phone, my sketchbook, a pencil, my favorite pocket knife (sunset shaded with a fleur-de-lis, also with several different blades, given to me by my father), and my favorite book (that one about the whale). My mother grabbed her phone, her handgun, a small bag of crackers, her purse (to put it all in), her wallet, and of course, her car keys. Garter had his phone, his wallet, and a man purse. (I sometimes made fun of him for it, and he always said, "IT'S A SATCHEL!!!", but I just laugh and laugh).

We all got in the car and buckled in.

My mother then said, "Now my mother lives a long ways away. It will probably take about a day or so to get there. Garter, can you call your parents and tell them?"
"Already taken care of," he responded. "I kinda figured it would take a while, so I asked them if I could stay for a few days. They said it was alright, mostly because they like her."

"Well, then it's settled," my mother started. "We're going on a road trip!" And we were off.

A note to those of you who like Justin Bieber,
I'm not gonna judge you if you like him. I respect it if you do, but PLEASE DO NOT think I'm picking on anyone due to what you've just read. I was just using the mind of a FICTIONAL character to make things COMICAL, NOT JUDGY. So I'm sorry to those who are offended. Good day,
-Death Bird of Ring

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