Broken Glass

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Following the directions of the maid, Taytum walked through the walls of the Jensen's mansion. It is huge , classy and breathtaking. Walking in, she felt time coming to an end. All stopped at the beauty of such place. Now, the ravioli that she brought looked out of place. She felt stupid for bringing it however food made her feel better. She made it for Owen thinking that he needs it. Clearly, he does not and will never do. She should have remembered how Briana described his " limitless wealth". Trying to shake  all of her self-doubt away, she thought maybe he will appreciate her little gesture...

Her hopes crumbles when he saw her. Instead of a welcome to my mansion,  the sound of broken  glass echoed through out his living-room. If she stepped further it would have hit her head instead of the wall. She knew that it was targeted to do so. No matter how the goody-two-shoes in her tried to find excuses for him, the sain side in her begged her to run for the hills. After all , why should she be the one making sure that Owen is okay?He is a total stranger to her, a stranger that clearly dislikes her...

"Did Briana send her puppet here to apologize?" he slurred his green hateful eyes throwing her the nastiest glare.

"No..." was all she could say to afraid to defend herself. After all , he just threw a bottle at her. 

"Why the f*** are you here? Did she forget to pack you with the rest of her belongings ?" He mocked again standing up from the huge leather sofa with clear hardship. He was a little drunk for sure. 

"I am not her puppet or baggage. I came here to check on you." She mumbled still afraid of his tall rigid poster. He may look out of balance but strength will forever be an attribute of his. 

"Could have sworn you were her shadow a month ago." He ridiculed again  

"You are just being petty." she defended gaining a bit of courage but a wild laugh from him rooted her to the earth beneath. There she goes, afraid another time to move.

"Well, I have every right to be. The freaking love of my life ran away leaving me behind. She do so when ? When I was standing on the alter waiting for her. Now, The Owen Jensen is nothing but a hot gossip topic...People like you, all weak and unknown , are pitying me. People that I can kill with one damned order." He yelled stepping her way.

The veins in his neck were ready to pop. His face colored in a dark blueish red shade. His breathes sounded loud and heavy. She trembled under his harsh gaze and prayed for god to let her flee. Her stupid anxieties though kicked and faced with another frightening situation she froze. Her fingers became colder and they fidgeted and played with the hem of her dress. In her mind she wished for this all to be a nightmare. Maybe if she just closed her eyes tightly , he would be gone and she would just be home again...

An image of Briana , the runaway bride, played in her mind. She remembered her cousin sitting by her on her bay window like they always did. Briana huffed and puffed a lot that day and Taytum knew that nothing good can come from such a start. Hugging her knees closer to her chest, Taytum asked Briana to talk out and her cousin did..."London" the word rang in her ears and her heartbeats stopped for a moment. Briana confessed her need to run away from Owen because he was unfit for her. He was too sweet but she could not feel loved. Briana , since an early age, fell in love once. Then, started to compare all guys to her first love. That man left her because of distance and she decided to go, find him and fight for him...All when? On the day of her wedding. 

Burdened with such a secret , Taytum felt herself going insane. She cried the day of the wedding because all her family questioned her and she was the target of the Jensen's anger. They all cornered her asking about Briana but she promised her not to tell...If she ever does , with one little call Owen will probably find her, bring her back and forcefully marry her...She wanted her cousin to be happy . However , she never wanted or dreamed of hurting Owen. The latter was nice to her , a gentleman of a stranger, at least when Briana was around. 

"I will just go." Taytum finally hushed feeling the manly figure standing one feet away from her.

"Sure the one thing you , Simons,  are good at is leaving so be my guest. Tell her that I will find her and I won't let such thing pass easily." He ordered all previous drunkenness and slurring gone

"Why would you try to bring her back? Don't you think that if she wanted to stay she would have? " Words escaped her lips without her thinking about them twice and all she saw was his fist rising in thin air promising to hit her but never moving. 

"If you were not a girl, I would have..." He threatened as the greenness of his eyes dipped in a weird alluring blackness and she hugged herself in fear. A little whimper escaped her lips and that was all it took for him to step away and sit back on his sofa.

"Leave." He ordered again pointing to the hall

"Please let her be." she begged turning around and the sound of glass shattering again echoed throughout his dead-silent house. Such noise made her run for the door while a silent tear drew its way on her cheek. 

How will all this drama resolve ? she could not help but question

Will Owen ever forgive Briana? She thought

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