Chapter 2

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19, i was going to be nineteen in 30 days, My mum was going to be in America and i was going to be living with a person who I believed was a complete and utter idiot, life really couldn't get any worse

"Hey you alright?"
I sighed putting my phone on loud speaker dropping it down on the sheets beside me as the vibration of Carly's voice spoke through the device

"Ill take that as a no"
She laughed lightly as the annoyance I was feeling expressed in my speech
K:You wont believe what my mum just told me
"Oh god"

I shook my head continuously resting my hands on the back of my head
K:Shes got a new job and has to move to America for three months

K:I know
I scoffed under my breath
"Your not going are you?"
K:No, of course I'm not going
"Okay good"
She sighed with relief as I chuckled slightly resting my palm under the crease on my chin

"Wait, so where are you gonna live?"
K:Oh, its gets worse!
"Let me guess...Please don't tell me your being forced to live at your dads and janes apartment, are you?"

K:Unfortunately not
"What could possibly be worse than that"
She laughed but seemed slightly worried as I paused on my words

K:Ill give you a clue, my mum has decided I'd be best living with a practical stranger that I haven't spoken to in four years!
"Wait, your on about joe?"

"Hold on isn't he like, a big thing now"
K:In the management spectrum yeah, i guess
"How far is his house from uni?"
K:About an hour and a half but mum thinks it would be best if i post-poned uni for a little while and took the time for myself, since I don't even know what i want to do yet and it would be way to complicated getting from Joe's to there every morning!
"Oh yeah, you'd have to get up well early!"
K:I know!

I chuckled lightly but shook my head as my own words shocked my thoughts
"When are you leaving?"
K:Tomorrow, my mums not leaving till the day after but she wants to make sure I'm there safely before she leaves

There was a moment of silence through the phone as all I could hear was the slight ruffles of her movement

"Oh, hey sorry i was just sorting out something with Rose, you know that boy shes been seeing"
"Well he's mates with someone who's involved with the o2 arena and he thinks he might be able to get me a part-time job there for a few months, before i decide what i really wanna do"
K:Car, that's great!
"I know! I don't want to get too excited about it yet but this would be a great opportunity for me"
K:Also i think joe lives near there so you can come visit
"Oh I will don't worry about that have you seen the boys he manages!?"
K:To be fair I haven't really paid much attention to that yet
"Well i wouldn't say no"
K:Alright well I'll let them know that before they meet you

I laughed continuously lifting my heavy suitcase from under my bed and throwing practically all of my wardrobe into it
K:Anyways i better get going, got a lot to pack
"Good luck, oh and call me when your next free and we can plan something"
K:Will do, see you later

I smiled releasing the call, holding up each item of clothing inspecting it before throwing it into the case
M:You busy?
I turned around at the sound of my mums voice, smiling uncertainly as she stepped into my bedroom, her arms lightly crossed together

K:Just packing
She nodded holding her phone in her palm, tapping the glass with her fingertips
M:Your Dad left me a message, he heard about America
K:Oh yeah, what did he say?
M:Nothing much, he just wished me luck, he really wants you to stay with him ky
I rolled my eyes shaking my head continuously knowing what the present conversation was going to involve

K:Mum i already told you, I'm not living with dad it wouldn't work, not while Jane is roaming around that house
M:I understand that, and so does your father
She paused, swallowing hardly on her words
M:But he doesn't believe that you living with your brother would be the best option for you, not with everything thats going on with you and him at the moment

K:I don't understand, I thought you wanted me to live with joe?
M:I do, its just...

I sighed loudly knowing the honest reason for everything that she was suddenly deciding for me, she was letting my dad take control of her again, and I wasn't going to stand here and watch it all replay right in front of my eyes
K:It's just it's what dad wants, isn't it

She didn't disagree shrugging at my words uncomfortably
K:Mum you can't let him control you like this, your not even with him and he thinks he's in charge of your life!
M:He just wants the best for you, Kylie
K:Yeah well so do i, I'll be fine with Joe mum honestly
M:I know you will

She smiled stroking the side of my cheek before walking through the landing and stumbling down the wood of the staircase, I knew that everything my mum was doing was unintentional and it was only because she cared about me, but i was at the age when my sudden independence was getting the better of me, and I thought that it was possible to do anything alone

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