Chapter two.... My death my revenge and the truth

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WARNING .. There will be swearing just saying so..yeh that's it

P:2 gone

Gone forever

Yet always there

Hidden from all

Taken by tears

Longing for more

Only to get little

Making the most

Out of metal

The claws that scratch

The teeth that bite

Monkeys swing

Tigers fight

Fire within

Will burn me so

Forever gone

Nowhere to go...

Chapter two...

Catori's P.O.V

After her death:

As I open my eyes a sudden cold feeling makes me shiver, but I don't shiver I more feel like I am shaking or vibrating...

'What happened' is all I can think right now, I am trying so hard to remember. I suddenly sit up abruptly and as I do I try to breathe, it's weird but as I breathe in I feel no air fill my lungs...

As I look around my library I can still see it's dark but it's seems that I can see everything and every detail even within the darkness, soon I look over at the broken window and as I do I stand up and make my way towards it...

But as I try to step a sudden floating feeling takes over me, 'strange' i think to myself... I then quickly look down and as I do I see my night gown but at the bottom of my nightgown there is no feet and on top of that I can see straight through my night gown as well...!!!

"What the hell." I say as I grab at my night gown which is see through, I must be dreaming or something 'I think to myself'. Wow ok this is just the strangest dream I've ever had..

I soon drop my night gown and I smooth it out and then out of my many habits I look around the library for anything suspicious, when I see a figure on the wooden floor I jump a little. "Who would be asleep on my floor at this late hour." I say to myself I start slowly making my way towards it, as I do a sudden lightning strikes, making the room light up and making everything easier to see and the figure also becomes more vivid, but when I see what it is..all the walls seem to just close up around me..

Lying on the floor is is w w well m me but it doesn't seem to look like I usually do, I seem more pale and I seem like a corpse, wait a second no no no no....

This can't be happening I can't be no what!!!.

I grab a hand full of hair as I try to stop myself from panicking, I can't believe it I I I I'm... " I'm dead." I say aloud then thunder goes out side making this seem less like a dream and more like a horror film.. I then start to feel dizzy and I feel a bit crowded yet I'm all alone..

"Okay Cat you have to stop freaking and you have to remember what happened." As I try to remember a sudden thought hits me .... The hand the man oh no...the man and he said something to me before I died..

What was it?...

I think he said something along the lines of say hi to mummy for me or something like that.. What did he mean though and why did his voice seem so familiar....

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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The Catori diaries: 1st book : shattered painOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora