Aarav jumps on swara and kisses her.
Sanskar – hooo how cute..

Swara – aarav say sorry to him.
Aarav – ok mumma..(to sanskar) I am sorry.....(to swara)mumma what should I call him ??
Swara and sanskar gets puzzled what to say swara is about to say to call uncle but aarav interrupts.
Aarav – ha mumma u know my friends parents who stays with me call their mumma’s husband as papa so I too will call him papa ok ??
Swara – nooo I mean…
swara looks at sanskar.
Sanskar (smiles) – of course u will call me papa....Come to me.
aarav goes to sanskar and sit in his lap.
Aarav – I am sorry papa for hitting u....
Sanskar gets very happy to listen papa from his mouth.
swara too gets happy. Swara hugs both sanskar and aarav.
laksh – ahem..ahem..... see here we r also there.

they three breaks the hug.
laksh – aarav shall we play sonething.
aarav – ha ok.
swara – before playing listen to me.
aarav – ha mumma tell
swara – beta listen u should not run on road like that. Do u know how scared I got when u told me that u ran on the road. I am afraid of accidents beta please don't run like that....
Seeing this.....sanskar hugs swara but swara jerks him.

sanskar(puzzled) – swara what did i do ??
Swara – see aarav r u seeing this wounds on papa’s body (showing marks on sanskar’s hand)
Aarav – ha mumma what happened papa ??
Swara – he too ran like u on the road then one car came and hit him.
Aarav – hoo mumma who hit my papa with car. I will not leave him. I will fight with him.
saying this he stands and shows his muscles.
sanskar(murmurs) – tera baap (ur dad)

Swara hears this and laughs.

Sanskar goes near her and says in her ears – thank god u laughed. Don't be angry with me. I am sorry.
Saying this he slightly kisses her ear lobe without anyone noticing it.

All plays with aarav. Just then mohit
comes there.

mohit – dp uncle where is di ??
Dp – beta go to ur di’s room. She has a surprise for u.
Mohit – surprise ??
Dp – ha ha go go.

mohit enters the room. He does not see aarav.
Mohit – di uncle told me that u have a surprise what is it ??
mohit sees aarav.

Mohit – AARAV….

aarav sees mohit.

Aarav jumps on mohit from bed – CHACHUUU……..
mohit gets teary eyed – CHAMP how r u ??

Aarav – fine chachu. U know I missed u so much…
mohit – I too missed u so much champ.
mohit keeps him down.
mohit – di how did he come here ??
Swara tells him everything.
Mohit (angry) – champ what is this. How can u run on road.(hugging him tightly)what if something happens to u.....what happens to ur chachu then ??

All gets shocked as both swara and mohit are over protective towards aarav but ignores it.

all plays with aarav for sometime.

Swara – mohit take aarav with u.
Sanskar – par swara…(but swara....)
mohit – no jiju I will take him he should not stay here.

Sanskar – but y mohit ??

mohit – because it's not his house.
Sanskar – tho kya wo ghar iska hai ?? (Then is that house his house ??)
Mohit – ha of course it's his grand parents house……
swara looks on shocked.
mohit(fumbles) – I mean as he calls swara mumma and they also see aarav as their grand child.
sanskar observes this.
sanskar – mohit let him be here.
aarav – ha chachu I will be with mumma and papa.
mohit – acha so u don’t want chachu.
Aarav – I want u too chachu…
swara – aarav beta if u love ur mom then go with chachu....u know u will have so many people there. U know grannie is ur fav na ??she too will be there go.
aarav (sad) – ok mumma…
sanskar – but swara y r u sending him ??Let him be here.
swara – no sanskar.
aarav – mumma I want to sleep in ur lap. After I slept chachu will take me with him....Ok ??
Swara(gets teary eyed) – ok beta but first have ur food.

Swasan and aarav had their dinner in their room itself.
where as mohit refused to eat.
Swara – mohit u go out and talk with everyone. After he sleeps I will call u .
mohit – ok di.

mohit goes. When he passes by uttara’s room. Uttara pulls him inside.

Mohit (shouts) – what the hell is wrong with u ??
Uttara – ohh Mister that dialogue is mine ??Wat's wrong with u ?? Y r u behaving like this with all of us ??
Mohit – nothing like that.
uttara – stop it mohit. I am noticing everything. u r not eating anything here. U r not even drinking water in our house. I know we all did wrong with bhabhi but please understand our situation too....

Mohit – acha ok madam. But I need some time to behave as previously....
uttara – ok tha'ts gud.

mohit – now will u leave me ??
(uttara is capturing mohit in between her both hands)

Uttara (shy) – ha sorry.
mohit (smiles) – its okay....

mohit goes.

Uttara blushes thinking how they both are so close to each other just a few moments before.

Uttara – y i feel very happy when I am near him ?? y i feel hurt when he ignores me ?? Do i love him ?? Whatever may be but he is a very nice person. The girl who marries him is the luckiest person in the world. Y can't I be that person ??

mohit goes and talks with laksh and parish where as uttara too comes and joins them.

@swasan room

Sanskar and aarav are playing while swara is trying to make aarav sleep.
swara – sanskarr please stop it. Aarav come baby u have to sleep.
aarav – no mumma let me Play with papa.
swara (angry) – acha ok then i am going u both play.
Saying this she is about to go. Sanskar pulls her. She falls on him.

sanskar – where r u going mrs.maheswari??
Swara – sanskar chodo mujhe aarav dekhra hai ??(sanskar leave me....aarav is seeing)

Sanskar leaves.
aarav – mumma will u sleep daily like this on papa ??

Swara gets embarrased.
swara – u come and sleep first.
Swara makes aarav sleep. She calls mohit to take him.
sanskar – swara I don't want to send him.
swara – but he has to go sanskar.

sanskar – swara y can't we adopt him ?? By proving that vatsal is a bad father.
swara – no sanskar it's wrong. But i am proud of ur thoughts. I love u.
saying this she is about to kiss him but mohit comes there.
sanskar(murmurs) – wahhh wat a timing saale saheb(BIL)
mohit understands(laughs) – haha sorry jiju…I am going. Bye di good night....
mohit kisses swara’s forehead.
swara kisses mohit on head and aarav on cheeks
swara(teary eyed) – miss u baby. (To Mohit)Mohit listen he is getting dreams now a days so u sleep with him. Don't make him sleep near our kumbakaran behen(sleepy head sister) she does not wake up even the tsunami comes.
mohit – hahaha ok di don't worry I will sleep with him. Haha waise di according to ur logic her name should be surpanaka (kumbakaran and ravan’s sister) not ragini
swara and mohit giggles while sanskar gets angry (fake angry)
Sanskar – shut up u both. I will not spare u if u say anything to my saali. (SIL) She is the best.
mohit – haha di jiju is cracking Jokes hahaha jiju u r too funny.....
swara laughs – acha now stop and u take him.
sanskar – wait…
sanskar goes to mohit who is lifting aarav.
sanskar kisses aarav on his head.

Swara and mohit smiles.

Precap – swasan went to gm. But sanskar hears bp talking about mf.

DR. SWARA AND MR. SANSKAR LEADS TO SWASAN Where stories live. Discover now