Chapter 3: Come Alive

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"So that you can protect your kind and ours, we would like you to come with us to start your training," I explained.

Iris seemed to look slightly uncomfortable like she was fighting off some bad or seemingly rude news. "My mother will be coming home soon, and she would be worried if I wasn't home. And it's the middle of the night, and I am currently exhausted. So maybe you could come by tomorrow, and then I might come." She explained to the two beings in the room which were way taller than her small frame, looking away guiltily.

I nodded in understanding, "We understand, then we shall come by tomorrow, and then we shall start your training." I asked, looking at her hopefully. She grinned and nodded. "We shall see you tomorrow then." I continued, smiling lightly, at her glowing brown orbs. And we left quickly. Leaving no signs that we were there, except for the amulet still in Iris's back pocket, as she went back into her house and went to sleep.


"Yeah sure, I can spend the night at your house," Luna replied, her voice slightly distorted by the phone speaker.

"Okay, then I'll see you at 5:00?" Iris asked her closest friend.

"Yeah, sure!" She replied happily, and they both said their goodbyes and hung up the phone. Taking a large and regretful breath, she sighed, Iris immediately felt bad for the friend that was now coming to her house. She almost felt like she had just sentenced her best friend to death by hanging, but she couldn't help but feel relieved, for she had built her two female team, not counting the trolls who would obviously be part of their team as well.

Iris retreated back to her couch, who was now homing a, quite large, black and white puppy. As she sat down, she couldn't help but let her mind wander.

**: OOOO! Is this how you explain her back story????:**
(Yes, now hush Tobias.)

She couldn't help but remember the good-bad times. When her father was still around. Iris's could only remember her father as a rather strict man, he always expected her to do her best, and she did, but the only real relationship they had was acquaintance, not even a father-daughter relationship. He was always expecting her to do something with her life. To look up boring and irritating facts, that made her want to wrap her hands around his neck. Another irritating thing he did was leave all the outdoors chores for her to do, and she oh so LONGED just for one day, to stand up to him and say, "Do it yourself."

Let's just say she was bitter happy when her mother filed a divorce, but also saddened, because she knew that her mother would like a brand new start, a new town... A new state and her mother decided to move to Arcadia Oaks. Away from Oklahoma, and away from one of her closest friends.

**: Do they stay in contact?:**
(Why of course, one never forgets a family member.)

The friend was her cousin, Talia, the girl was almost like a sister to her, and she loved her dearly, and they were closer than any family member in the world it seemed. Talia would always vent to Iris, and she'd just listen, slightly wishing she would have that much drama in her own friend group.

Sighing, she decided to check on the chickens (which were the bane of her existence.), she couldn't help but snort in distaste, she thought that chore would be thrown out when her father left, but undoubtedly not. Quickly retreating from the sunny outdoors, she rushed back inside and decided to read the Percy Jackson series again. She already read that series more than eight times, and she never gets tired of it, which is rather surprising, and by now, she could quote every page in the series from the back of her hand.

Distant MemoriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz