Chapter 16 - Enjoy The Moment Whilst It Lasts

Start from the beginning

Cyn: “I hope so…”

Erica: “Don’t hope, just wait on it”

Cyn: “Alright Drake”

Erica let go of her hand. The situation got awkward for the both of them. Although Erica got the gist of Cyn’s joke, as what she said was a lyric from one of Drake’s song, it became a tense moment for them. Cyn had completely forgot she went on a date with Drake and people refer to Cyn as one of his ex’s or chicks. Even though that wasn’t the case, it would be expected that Erica may have felt some type of way. This was based on the fact that Erica was extremely territorial what Cyn said was not a good joke. A concerned look was on Cyn’s face. She didn’t even know what to do at that moment. To avoid this situation she leant forward and kissed Erica. She hopped Erica would respond and kiss her back, which luckily for Cyn she did. Cyn attempted to divert the conversation.

Cyn: “I have missed this”

Erica: “So have I Drake’s girl” Erica started to laugh when she said this. Even though she knew she had Cyn, she was still concerned and worried that someone in particular Drake could swoon in and take Cyn. From Cyn making that joke, this began playing on her mind.

Cyn: “Your funny” From Erica’s remark Cyn knew she had caused a spark by mentioning Drake’s nothing, but she looked over to Erica and forced a fake laugh alongside Erica. She didn’t want to entertain any conversation about Drake so she laughed it off. To keep her focus on it, she ran her fingers around Erica’s breasts and starting playing with them.

As they remained playing and looking at each other, Erica realised the day was going by and started to get up and out the bed. She looked at her phone and it was 7:40am. She couldn’t believe how quickly time flew, especially when she was with Cyn, that’s when time went the quickest. Erica looked around the room, to find her clothing. Cyn lay down in the bed watching Erica who was naked. Cyn was admiring the view and she was clearly enjoying seeing Erica the way she was. She licked her lips and bit her lip.

Cyn: “You look so nice right about now”

She said this as she watched Erica bend over to pick up her top and trousers. Erica knew she was watching her, so she put on a little show, as she laughed and shook her head. She managed to put on her bra and knickers, then ran over and jumped on Cyn who was on the bed. Erica was lying on top of Cyn and started planting kisses all over Cyn’s neck, who couldn’t help but enjoy the tickling sensation she was feeling. In amidst of their romantic moment, Cyn’s phone started to ring. She looked at Erica, giving her a look which was an indication for her to move. Erica rolled over as Cyn helped push her over, Erica started to laugh.

Erica: “Why you pushing me for”

Cyn: “Coz you taking long to move boo”

Cyn gave Erica a hard push in which she nearly fell off the bed. They both started laughing and enjoying the moments they were sharing. Cyn’s phone continued to ring.

Erica: “Answer it? Or you can’t coz I’m here” The tone of voice for Erica changed slightly. She was concerned and intrigued to see who was ringing Cyn.

Cyn: “It’s Mary, calm down”

Erica looked over to Cyn, as Cyn rotated her phone to prove that it was actually Mary who was ringing her. Erica smiled.

Erica: “Good girl, I hope you got food in by the way” She said this as she began making her way downstairs.

Cyn shook her head as she pressed the accept button to the call.

Mary: “Omg Cyn what happened to you? I have been ringing all night and morning. I thought something had happened to you” Mary was speaking extremely fast.

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