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"Get Up Danica!"

Her eyes flew open as she felt herself being shook awake, the dream instantly vaporized as she saw her fiancé frantically throwing clothes at her.

"Get dressed!"

"Shane!" Danica Jensen watched as he hurriedly exit from the room. Off in the distance she heard loud claps of what sounded like thunder.

She quickly dressed  and ran down stairs and suddenly,  thrown to the floor as the ground beneath her began to shake. She yelled for her him and she screamed as the lights flicked off, dousing her in darkness. Through the large window of the condo, she saw flashes of light which allowed her to see the  buildings on fire.

"Shane!" Danica yelled as she blindly felt her way along the floor. Concrete, dry wall, and ash clogged her throat as she tried to desperately find Shane.

She began to cough on the thick, acrid smoke, and she cried out as her hand landed into a pile of broken glass.

She sat up, and looked at her palm, seeing a large piece of glass impaled into the tender flesh of her palm.

With a cry, she pulled out the sharp piece of glass. She looked around the kitchen, found a dish towel on the stove, and gently wrapped her hand.

She slowly stood to her feet as she looked over the counter, and when she did, she gasped and put a hand to her mouth.

The building in front of her was on fire, the top half was missing.

She turned her head when she heard a groan coming from the dining area of the condo. She saw a figure lying up against the wall, the blue tee shirt was dark on one side.

"Shane!" Danica ran to him, and slid to her knees. And that's when she noticed the piece of glass protruding from his chest. "Shane."

"Dan..I." Shane gasped as he slowly raised his head, blood trickling from his mouth, "Go.."

"No," Danica sobbed as she placed her hands on both side of his face, holding his head up. "I'll get you out." She removed her hands from his face, and placed them on the glass.

"No," Shane let out a groan as he reached up and placed his hand over hers, feeling them shaking, "its. Too. Late."

Danica felt his hand loosen, then fall to the ground. She looked at his face to see his sightless eyes.

"Shane!" Danica gently shook him, searching his face for any signs of life. "Shane!"

The ground beneath her begin to shake again, and she was violently thrown to the floor.

She tried to get up, but she had the weird sensation that she was falling. With a painful thump, she landed on something hard.

The breath was knocked out of her, and it took a second before she could take on a huge breath. She rolled over and when she did, let out a scream.

She was staring twenty stories below her. She was laying on the glass wall. She began to move, but stopped when the glass began to break.

She paused for a moment, waiting to see if it would hold her weight. Before she started to move, another quake shook the building.

She screamed as a piece of concrete fell from the ceiling and into the glass, cracking the glass into a spider web form.

Before she could even think about her next move, the glass shattered beneath her, and with a drop in her stomach, found herself falling through the glass and twenty stories to her death.

She closed her eyes, wondering if she would feel the impact, when her fall was suddenly halted.

When she fell through the glass, her leg had been sliced open by a piece of glass, and she was rapidly loosing blood.

So when her fall was halted, and she felt herself being caught, she was certain she hallucinated the man with the long blond hair, and the cobalt blue eyes, staring down at her, a smile on his face.

Feel it All: A Thor/Avengers FictionWhere stories live. Discover now