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Frankie bounded into my room with coffee. I smiled and pulled the sketch out of the book.

"Hey. I see you got my text! Thank you Frankie." He just smiled and scooted me over on the bed so he could sit beside me. "Of course I did. Good thing too what with Gee trying to argue that you were a Mocha kind of girl." I giggled. "That would have been a disastrous decision on Gee's part. I'm allergic to chocolate."

"Really?" I nodded taking a sip of coffee. "I have been since I was around eight years old. One Easter my Dad bought me an egg from one of the boutique chocolatiers. I think it had been a present because he'd been travelling for work. Anyway, I had only had a few bites when my throat began to swell. The panic on my Dad's face as he rushed me to the ER."

I think this was the first time I'd actually spoken about my Dad. I missed him, don't get me wrong, it just didn't hurt as much now.

I handed Frankie the sketch. "This is for you. I thought maybe then you'd have something while on tour." He hugged me. "It's amazing."

"We have a surprise for you. It's downstairs."

"You shouldn't have."

"Come on the others are waiting." He grabbed my hand and practically pulled me down the stairs.

In the living room the guys were all sat around the coffee table. I sat opposite Ray. "Hey, why do you all look so tense?" There was a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see Frankie holding a large box. He set it down. "Open it."

Inside the box was the most gorgeous electric blue Gibson Les Paul. "She is gorgeous..."

"She is yours..." I heard Gee say. I almost burst into tears. "This is amazing. Thank you so much." Gently I placed her back in the box, which now I look at it properly is a guitar case. "You guys shouldn't have..."


I heard the whisper but ignored it. "Well we couldn't exactly forget your birthday now, could we?" I have a small smile. "I had..."

"Aren't you guys supposed to be getting ready for your warm up tour? I mean you are going tomorrow after all." Ray smiled. "Yeah we should probably get sorted. Happy birthday Ash." They all disappeared to get ready and that's when I saw the shadow. Or at least I think it was a shadow.

'He's coming...'

There was that whisper again. My mind was obviously playing tricks on me. I got up and picked up my guitar case, taking it to my room. Ziva was coming to stay while the guys were away and I was looking forward to getting to know her properly.

I put on some music and lay back on the bed. Maybe the shadows were because I had died for that brief period. Who knows. All I know is that I wanted to go to sleep peacefully.

Sleep was most definitely not peaceful. I dreamt of him...

*the dream*

"You emo bitch" he growled. "You thought you could escape me?! I'm going to kill you!" I was running I don't know where to only that I know who from.

*end of dream*

I must have been screaming in my sleep because someone shook me awake. "Ash it's ok. It's ok." Gee was hugging me. My heart was racing. "They were warning me..." I mumbled.

Gee lifted my chin so I was looking at him. "Who was warning you? Warning you about what?" He looked me in the eyes. "The shadows. Warning me about T...Terrance..."

"Gee?" He raised his brow. "Can I come with you guys? I don't want to stay here by myself." He kissed the top of my head and gently rocked me in his arms.

'Ziva I know you have been looking forward to spending sometime with Ash. She has had a rather bad panic attack tonight and has asked to come with us. Maybe you and Drew could meet us somewhere while we are on this warm up tour? Sorry again that plans have changed. - Gerard x'

I was watching the Shadows on the ceiling. There seemed to be more than before I went to sleep. "Do you think I can see them because I died?" I asked quietly. "Yeah. That's why I can see them..."

"You've died too Gee?" He nodded but didn't go into any further detail.

'Frankie. Ash isn't doing so well. She's coming with us. You know she won't let us cancel so don't suggest it. Already text Ziva. Gonna take Ash downstairs and make her a cocoa. - G'

Almost instantly Gee's phone buzzed.

'You can't give her cocoa! She's allergic! I'm coming. - Frank'

"Ash come on. Let's go and get a nice hot drink." Gee helped me up and we met Frankie on the landing. "I'm sorry guys..."

'Leigh you really, really need to leave. He is coming for you...'

"I know but I'm scared... How long do I have?"

Gerard and Frank were both staring at me. "Ash who are you talking to?" I hadn't even realised that I'd asked that out loud. Frank looked worried and Gee, well I think Gee knew.

"Oh erm Dwayne." Gee went to put the kettle on and Frank sat me down. "Ash, Dwayne is dead." I sighed. As if I didn't know that. I got up and went to the front door grabbing my jacket and slipping it on. I tucked my cell phone into my pocket and went to sit on the porch.

It was a cool night. Hardly any breeze but enough to make you need a jacket. 'Run!'

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