I be trippin

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As soon we got inside Luna nova it felt like home. It was warm and smelled like freshly baked tarts. Aah tarts Akko's favorite food. Hmh why would I remember that the most random thing. I started to see all sorts of my friends Hanna over by the food court whispering something to Barbra all of a sudden Barbra started blushing hard and Hanna grabbed her hand and they ran off into the dorms I don't know which dorm but I wonder what there doing. Anyways I started walking around looking for people I saw Jazminka eating all the food she can with Constanze tinkering with her mechanical broom trying to calibrate it  and then I saw Akko. Akko. I was staring at her when she met my eyes. A huge smile spread across her face as she ran towards me. " DIAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAA."  She yelled almost tripping over her self. As she ran to me and spread her arms and I opened mine and embraced the hug. It was warm and she smelled of ramen (hmhm) we were like that for a while until I started to feel awkward and let go so did she but she had a pouty face on. "Hey Akko how have you been?" "Well my parents kicked me out of the house," my heart started sinking. I noticed her bags by table she was recently at. "Principle Holbrook's said I could stay here and teach I'm also here for the reunion." I instantly got exited again. I'm teaching too. Hmm I forgot to mention that.. sorry.
"Why did you parents kick you out?" I saw her flush with embarrassment. "Oh right," "they kicked me because I got caught with my girlfriend Samantha." Girlfriend!!!

This is gonna be a long year.

Authors Note: Just made some edits.

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