Ill Met in Riften: Part III

Start from the beginning

Lydia spent the entire ride out of Markarth hyperventilating, while Vipir held her upright and tried to comfort her. All attempts at consolation, however, were futile. When they arrived in the small farming town they had barely dismounted from their horse when Ennis, a local farmer, confronted them.

"You two! You both have a lot of nerve showing up in this town again! What do you have to say for yourself?"

Lydia simply couldn't speak, so Vipir took charge, attempting to simultaneously apologize and extract some information from the angry farmer.

"Sorry's not good enough! Not while my Gleda is still out there, alone and afraid. You kidnapped her and sold her to that Giant!"

"What!" Lydia gasped, steadying herself against Vipir.

"What if we were to pay or retrieve the goat for you?" asked Vipir, his tone steady and persuasive.

Ennis insisted that he would never breed another prize-winning goat and soon Lydia found herself following Vipir across the tundra, eventually arriving within stone's throwing distance of a lone giant and Gleda the goat.

"How are we going to get the goat?" she asked harshly, looking over the boulder at the ambling giant.

Vipir remained calm. "We'll wait until it's dark," he explained. "Then I will snatch it and we'll run back to Rorikstead." He leaned back against the boulder and grinned.

His carefree disposition had been what attracted Lydia to Vipir in the first place. But as they stood there, planning to steal a goat from a giant, she wondered how she could have been so stupid. Not knowing quite how to respond—other than to ask if he was insane—she turned and sat on the ground with her face in her hands.

"Hey," he said as he knelt down beside her and touched her shoulder.

Lydia looked up and shook her head. "I've never been in this much trouble before."

He moved closer to her and took her in his arms. "Come here," he said. "You're not in trouble." She buried her face in his shoulder. "Lydia," he said after a few moments. "I am not joking when I say I have been caught in worse situations." Good gods, he thought. Where would he begin if she asked? "We'll figure out what happened. Then, we will find that Sam and punch him repeatedly until he hands over the staff we have by now rightfully earned."

She managed a slight grin. The overwhelming anxiety plateaued, and she let him hold her until night came and it was time to snatch the goat from the giant. Lydia stayed behind and Vipir crept forward and quickly grabbed the animal. Then they ran as fast as they could, not even looking back to see if they had disturbed the giant.

Back in town, Ennis was pleased to have his goat and said that the note they left when they stole it said something about repaying Ysolda in Whiterun.

"Oh gods," Lydia's voice croaked as her knees buckled.

"What is it?" asked Vipir, catching and holding her steady.

"I'm from Whiterun remember!" she exclaimed, as if it should have been obvious. "I know Ysolda...oh gods, what have I done?"

"Come on," he said and helped her on to the horse. "We'll get this figured out."

On the ride to Whiterun, Lydia had all but determined that she would be thrown out of Balgruuf's court in disgrace when they arrived. The thought made her sick and dizzy and several times she came close to throwing up. Vipir didn't bother trying to console her this time. He had never seen anyone in such a state.

She insisted on waiting until evening before entering Whiterun to avoid having to interact with anyone other than Ysolda. It was just after ten o'clock when they slipped in and walked directly to her house.

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