Dreams Come True

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For how long did I already lay here?

I lost count of the days or months or years I've been confined to this bed that wasn't even mine and I stopped caring after I knew that my little brother wouldn't come to see me anymore.

I didn't care about my health or my eyes. All I ever cared about disappeared into the darkness.
Mother always avoided to talk about her mischievous child and even Thor who usually wouldn't shut up about his brother playing tricks on him didn't say anything related to Loki. It was as if he never existed in the first place.
When I asked if he was alright they both usually changed the topic or told me that they had to leave since I needed rest but I knew that they were hiding something. I couldn't see with my eyes but I could still feel their auras change immediately. It even worked better than before.

"Sister how do you feel today?"

It must have been a long time. Thor's voice had changed a lot since my incident, as well as his aura. He was probably already grown up.

"I wasn't able to watch..."


I turned around not in the mood to talk to anyone. Thor sighed after a few minutes and left the infirmary leaving a bitter feeling on my tongue.

Why wasn't he visiting me? Did I hurt him that much?

I adjusted the blindfold that covered my eyes and tried to fall asleep but my inner demons kept me awake making up the worst scenarios about my beloved prince.
I couldn't take it anymore! I needed to know what happened to him! I just wanted answers to my questions!

"Lady Ly-"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it!"

I muttered while pushing away the sheets to get out of this hell of a room. I was frustrated and angry. Mother and Thor thought I was too fragile to know, too unstable but that wasn't true! I could take more than I looked like.

"But Lady Lysandra! You're not strong enough to get out of bed."

"Nonsense! If I want to leave, I will leave! Do you want me to tell Odin that you're smuggling things out of the palace? You'll lose your head."

I clicked my fingers and sent a little fireball her way which exploded with a silent poof right in front of her face. A loud gasp appeared from her direction.

"Just go back to your dorm."

She rushed out as I got up on shaky knees. I breathed heavily and had a hard time keeping me on my feet. Sure enough jumping out of bed after an eternity of not moving at all was a bad idea. Somehow I still managed to walk out of the infirmary without tripping once.

I made my way down the halls of Asgards palace, frantically searching for the king to have a talk with him. He would have to give me answers! There was no way I'd let him get away so easily like I did with mother.

"Where is Loki?"

As I entered the throne room I shouted out the question I always wanted an answer to but never got one.
I knew Odin was in here. I could sense him sitting on his throne, watching my every move but not saying a single word. He waited until I stood in front of him, panting like I ran a few miles.
I silently cursed the nurse for stating the truth about me not being strong enough.

"Where is Loki?"

I repeated, my voice nearly cracking at the mention of his name.

"He's here."

"Where? I can't see!"

"Of course you can. You simply lost your eyesight not your abilities but you are too furious to notice."

What did that mean?
I hated this. I hated him. Why did he have to speak in riddles?

"Listen closely."

With that he got up and left me behind. In an instant I materialized a dagger and threw it at the place where Asgrads king sat only a few seconds ago. The sound of the metal piercing into the cold stone echoed in the vast hall as my knees gave way and I broke down onto the floor.

The hours passed as I sat in the middle of the throne room, crying because of my stupidity. How could I think that Odin would give me a clear answer? He never got straight to the point. However, I followed his words and listened.
I blocked out all the unnecessary sounds- the howling wind, the voices of the guards, the clatter of the pots in the kitchen.
I already wanted to give up when I suddenly heard someone calling out my nickname in the most heart breaking way. It sounded as if my name was a lifebelt the person tried to grasp.
It took me a minute to realise that there was only one person to call me like that.


I jumped up and stumbled into the direction the voice came from. With every step I took forward his voice got louder and more desperate. It made me sick hearing him like that.

"I'm on my way."

I kicked a door open and nearly fell down a stairway. A cold breeze brushed over my cheeks as I started to walk down, slowlier now.

knew where I was but why was Loki down here?
I slightly noticed a change in the atmosphere. It felt tensed and dark as if something truly evil was lurking in the darkness around me. But there was also a warm part mixed in between. It was like a candle leading me through the night.

I eventually arrived at a dead end- I bumped into a wall I didn't sense was there. I frisked the wall, realizing that it was made of glass. I hesitated a second before knocking twice. Whatever was inside this glass prison it was good at hiding it's aura.

"H- hello?"

Nothing. I knocked again this time with more power. Maybe the glass was too thick to hear someone as weak as me knocking on the outside or the thing inside didn't want to interact or it simply wasn't of asgardian nature.
Suddenly a wave of pain and sadness flooded through my body and I quickly withdrew my hand as if I burnt myself.

"Why did you come here?"

His voice was hoarse as if he had screamed for god knows how long. I teared up and placed my hand on the wall again.

"What have they done to you..."

Loki's Guardian AngelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant