Chapter 1. -The one with the morning after.

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Jen's slowly waking up in her bed as the room gets filled with light. She can feel the sunlight hit her face as the light shines through the window. Birds are singing outside, and she can sense the feeling of summer around her. She blinks as she's trying to get her eyes open, but the sunlight is too bright. Jen turns over to try to get away from it when she feels her arm hitting something or someone that's also laying in the bed next to her.

Jen : Oh, shit.

She whispers to herself without knowing who it is. She opens her eyes and notices that she isn't laying in her bed, she isn't in her room, and that it's not even her house. There's a stranger laying next to her in the bed, a stranger she at least hopes is a man. Jen rubs her eyes to try to get a better vision so that she can see who it is. She tries to lift up the covers that are covering his face without waking him up, but he's laying on his stomach faced the other way. She looks at his body to try to tell who it is, but finds it difficult, until... Jen notices a little scar on the man's left thigh, and she knows she has seen it before, but where?

Jen : How did this happen? I must've been crazy last night. Oh my god.

She tries to remember the night before, but the things she faintly remembers doesn't explain the fact that there's laying a man next to her. She lifts up the covers to see if she has any clothes on, and as she already have guessed, she doesn't. Jen lays her head in her hands as she tries to go over all the things she did the night before, and all the places she went.

Jen : I met Court at her place, we went to the restaurant and ate, and then...We, we went. Clubbing with some of Court's friends, and, uhm. What happened after that?

The whole night's a blur to her, and she can't even remember how she has gotten herself to this unknown guys house. She looks around in the room to try to find something that can give her a clue, but there's nothing. The room is white, and filled with neutral colored furniture. It reminds her of how her previous ex-husband wanted them to decorate their house, but Jen found it to be kind of soulless. As she thinks about the fact that the room reminds her so much about one particular person, it's almost like a light starts to shine in her brain. She's begging to god to let it not be true while she tries to walk out of the bed without waking up the man she hopes isn't the man she thinks it is. She gets out of the bed, walks to the foot of it, and leans her head around the corner to reveal her biggest nightmare.

Jen : Noooo! Oh my, no no no!

She puts her hand in front of her mouth to stop herself from screaming as she sees who it is. The man that's laying on the bed isn't an unknown guy, he's in fact no stranger at all. It is her ex-husband for several years, Brad Pitt.

Jen : Noooo! No, this is so wrong. This can't be true, that, it can't. No, it's just.

She looks at Brad while she's still unable to understand how she ended up here. How she ended up meeting him, and talking to him and most importantly of all, how the hell she ended up in bed with him. Jen's almost getting a nervous breakdown as she's trying to escape the room, him and just the whole situation in general. She tries to look after her clothes, but everything has just been thrown at the floor like they were in a terrible rush last night.

Jen : We did it, we just so did it. Omg, how can this even be happening. I had, No, I had sex with him. I had sex with Brad.

She looks desperately after her clothes, but she can't even remember what she wore last night. A pair of jeans are laying next to something that looks like her underwear. She picks it up and puts it on in a rush. Jen doesn't have the nerves to stay in the room while knowing Brad can wake up any second. She gives up looking for the rest of her clothes and grabs a blanket that's laying on the floor in a messy pile. Jen runs out of the room, and ends up in the living room. She wraps the blanket around her naked body and tries to calm herself down, but that's hard based on what she's just been through.

Jen and Brad's story. -BrenniferHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin