Fluffy Tails - 1

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She tried not moving her ears when she heard the voice.

"Sure. You can pet her head. Bunnies love to be petted on the head. My daughter named her Tiffany."


Small careful fingers petted her head. She kept trying to lie still even though she had to admit that it felt nice every time a human carefully stroked her fur – providing that the human didn't have rough or cold hands or that the human didn't touch her nose or backside. She almost shuddered when she remembered the cold hand that touched her nose just last week. She literally jumped back inside the cage.

"Yes. But you can change her name later, of course."

"Bunny Ppani?"

"Her name's Tiffany, you idiot!" Taeyeon screamed from inside the cage. "Not Ppani! Sheesh!" She pawed the bars, rattling it as she dug at its bottom side with her paws.

"That other one's Taeyeon." The owner then chuckled. "She's supposed to be less active than Tiffany here – which is why my daughter gave her that name – but there are times when she would be very active." He then looked at the other adult. "They're both female but I could swear that they could act like a couple sometimes." He chuckled. "I recommend you take both because it would be heartbreaking to separate them. They always cuddle up together."

Tiffany's ears moved by reflex when she heard that.

"Pink ears!"

She felt fingers grab her ears. She immediately opened her eyes and squirmed. "OW!" She let out a yelp.

"YAH! LET GO OF HER!" Taeyeon kicked the cage, rattling it.

"No no, little girl." The owner gently pried the little girl's hand off Tiffany's ears. "The ears are the most sensitive part to a bunny. You can't grab them there. You will hurt them, make them cry. You don't want to make them cry, do you?"

The girl let go. "No..." She used one finger to stroke Tiffany's head. "I'm sorry, Ppani."


"That one is totally not calm," said the mother, turning to look behind her since the cage had never stopped rattling since the other bunny was taken out of it.

Taeyeon glared at the human staring at her. "Go away!"

The woman turned her head, back to looking at the pale brownish-gray bunny in the shop owner's hand that was now lying flat down, looking scared. "Do you want that bunny, Jinnie?" She asked her daughter. "She doesn't look healthy though." She looked at the owner again, unsure.

"She's healthy. She just moved her ears, didn't she?"

"Can I take Ppani home, Umma?" The little girl turned around and looked up at her mother, eyes wide and lips cutely pouted.

"NO! Fany-ah! Look even sicker!" Taeyeon kicked the cage again.

Tiffany heard it. She immediately tucked her ears and closed her eyes again. She did her best to act weak, slumping against the owner's palm.

"See?" The woman pointed at the quiet bunny. "I've heard that these types are normally weaker but this is really..." She hesitated.

"Please, Umma? Please please please?" The girl started tugging at her mother's shirt.

"She's fine. I can assure you that," said the owner. "Or would you want the other one? Since she's clearly very active today..."

Taeyeon gasped, backing away from the bars she had been pawing at.

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