Chapter 5 Just you

Start from the beginning

"Ben?" Rey broke into his thoughts again with just his name. He looked over to her. She was absolutely the most amazing woman he had laid eyes on. She had stood by his side, helped him as she said she would. He had never had anyone make a promise to him that wasn't broken. This girl from nowhere had, and he owed her his life. He knew that he could follow her to the edge of the galaxy if that is what she desired.

As soon as that thought formed in his mind, it was followed by the sinking feeling of failure. Allowing this scavenger to have such an effect on himself was loathsome. He was powerful, he was an unstoppable force, he couldn't let her break down his walls.  He needed the power, the control and she would surely make him lose all of that. Pehaps he could bend her to his will. Make her do as he pleased, even though he knew that with in seconds if she needed him he would concede to her

"It's time to let old things die, Snoke, Skywalker, the Sith, the Jedi, the Rebels, let it all die" he could see her mind turning, feel her disappointment as he said this. She loved her Rebels and he knew she would never betray them. Still he had to try, this could be the only future for them. To forsake everything they knew. Only then could they be free.

"Rey" he slowly extended his hand, "I want you to join me, we could rule together and bring new order to the galaxy"

"Ben," she whispered "Don't do this, we can't do this"

"Why? Look around you Rey, you and I can accomplish anything, you're still holding on, let go" He was almost shouting at her now. He needed her to see. Only with each other could they bring order, bring balance.

"Ben, I can't betray them, I can't destroy the resistance, and what of the first order? They will never allow us to escape after this. I won't spend the rest of my life running." Tears were slipping down her face now. Kylo could feel his heart ache, a feeling he had long since given up on. He was beginning to regret everything he had just said. Rey was too pure, too tied to the light to turn her back on anyone and he knew better than to ask. He sank to his knees before her. She was the only thing that mattered, and he was hurting her.

"I did everything for you" he was shaking, trying to control his strangling emotions. "I thought this is what you wanted, to be powerful, important" Kylo could see Rey shattering, he could feel her pain. He was overcome with a sense of longing, he didn't know how to stop it and the feelings poured out in his words.

Rey stepped forward, she knelt down to him, one hand was on his shoulder the other was lifting his chin to look at her. He flinched back slightly. As gentle as she was the physical proximity of anyone was something he shied away from. Snoke had been precise in his torture and Kylo instinctively avoided being touched.

"I never wanted power, I wanted you to come home, I just wanted you" she smiled slightly the tears on her face were still there, but she seemed to be collecting her emotions. He felt the truth in her words, she wanted him to return to the light, and maybe Kylo hoped, to remain by her side. But his mind recoiled, it was screaming in defiance, he was a Knight of Ren, these emotions he was filled with were beyond wrong, they were not of darkness but light and they were weakness. He was a ruthless killer, the one chosen to finish Darth Vader's vision for the galaxy. He couldn't allow this woman to make him so weak. He couldn't allow these feelings to ruin everything he had accomplished. He wanted her to be lying, for this to be a trap to capture him. If it was then he wouldn't have to lie about his anger towards her, he wouldn't have to convince himself this was wrong.

"Rey, don't think you can fool me, I am the last person anyone needs" His words were vicious, he wanted her to run. Seconds ago, he wanted her at his side but the realization that he would never be good enough for her was the fire he needed to destroy his feelings. He needed the darkness, he needed to need the darkness.

"Ben, come with me, you and I can put a stop to all of this, but we need help. The first order will never bow to a new order, a peaceful order. You're free of Snoke you don't need to suffer anymore." She moved her hand down to hold his.

"And the resistance will? Don't lie to me scavenger, this is a trap, as for my suffering that ended long ago, once you accept the pain you never truly suffer." He yanked his hand away, and immediately regretted it. The pain of his rejection flicked in her eyes before she regained her composure and glared at him.

"Do you think I would do that to you? Trap you? After everything that has happened, and everything that you yourself went through. I understand why you expect to be betrayed but I am right here, asking you to join me and I mean it. There is no ulterior motive Ben, I want you, just you, not the power, not the first order, just you. Now if I have to earn your trust I will, but I promise you this, I will not betray you." She moved to stand up, but he stopped her. His hand was trembling, he couldn't breathe. What was she doing to him. Without a word he pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her. She didn't move, didn't embrace him back but she didn't pull away either. Kylo knew she was afraid of him, of what he could do, but just as she would earn his trust, he would earn hers. He pushed her back, but his hands remained at her shoulders.

"Rey, I" He wanted to tell her yes, but before he could the door to the throne room exploded.

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