Bobby Fish/Kyle O'Reilly (Smut/Fluff/Angst?)

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Bobby was frustrated. Having to find out his ACL was torn, and he had gone through surgery and it really did affected him? Emotionally because he loves being on the road. On to NXT shows and wrestle for everyone. Now, all he does is run his mouth in TV.

Kyle had notice his partner, yes. Not a lot of people know he and Bobby had been a thing for couple of years now. Credits to Adam of course, meaning, even thought they spent so much time together, but they were just brothers, friends. Unfortunately, Adam set the two up and things go from there.

Unfortunately ever since Bobby's surgery, Bobby had few issues. Especially with his anger. Not that Kyle mind but he hasn't seen Bobby smile, it hurts him. He just wish he could do something. Maybe it's time maybe Kyle could help Bobby with something.

After having their NXT appearance, they rode back to the house and Kyle had shared with Bobby as always. He just showered and change to his shorts and a tank top, he noticed Bobby was back to his sulking. Kyle walked towards him and sat on the edge of the bed.


"Shut up...leave me alone"

"Bobby! Please, I just..I miss you! You're not the same ever since your injury. You should be grateful I'm still here cause you been but a fucking jerk!" When Kyle was done, he was suddenly felt his body slammed to the bed and Bobby was on top of him.
Kyle let out a surprise gasp until he felt Bobby's tongue inside his mouth. Immediately he kissed back, his hands were trying to oush Bobby away but his weight was all over him. He was pinned down.

Bobby kept pushing his tongue, tasting Kyle. God, all those kisses they did. This creates more instensity, he groaned on the process because he was getting hard. He pulled away, pulled off his shirt and tear Kyle's shirt to half.

Kyle was...scared. He tries to have pleasure but all he feels is fear. Does Bobby know that...this is his first time?

Bobby was blinded from his anger as he pulled off Kyle's shorts. "No...underwear" as he just dive his fingers, stroking Kyle.

Kyle was in a moaning mess. "B-Bobby...please", unfortunately Bobby didn't hear him. His fingers were then traced to Kyle's hole and pushed 2 fingers  in. Kyle screamed a little as he felt himself going to tears, and he did. He wants Bobby to just stop for a while.

"That's what you get bitch. You mess with me again, and I'll beat your ass" Bobby pushed another finger in, hoping to see himself cum anytime now but what made him stop was Kyle's whimpers and sobs. The words his heart broke instantly was:

"P-please...Bobby. I'm...S-sorry, please. St-op"

Bobby stopped as his heart broke, he felt it. Why..oh god..

"Kyle? Baby? Oh this your...first time?" His tears were swelling with tears. Kyle couldn't respond but he cried and cried, just holding the pain inside. The moment Bobby wanted to say something, Kyle immediately left the scene to the bathroom.

Bobby sat by the side of the bed. His head was on his hands as he screamed to himself. Fuck, what did he just do!? He fucking hurt Kyle! He felt like garbage. Did..he..raped Kyle? No god no...He ruined everything for Kyle. They never went to that level and now, he was so mad and he was blinded by his anger and he took it out on Kyle, hurting him in the process.

All he could hear was Kyle, trying to regain his calm but failed miserably. Bobby felt so much guilt as he walked to the door. Apparently the door was locked.

"Kyle? Baby?"

Kyle couldn't respond as he was choking from tears. "Kyle? Calm down for me baby.. I'm sorry, I ruined everything for you. God, I'm such a stupid idiot! I took all my frustrations on you. I didn't realise it was your first...You must be hate me right now because I wasted that opportunity. I'm a trash Kyle, I don't know why you put up with an idiot like me. God I'm so sorry Kyle. Please, forgive me Kyle. I love you so much baby. But if you feel nothing otherwise, I understand. I can leave, you can go find someone better. You deserve better Kyle, not with someone with like me.. I feel like I just raped you Kyle. I'm a piece of trash after all"

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