Part 26: An Unlikely Ally

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"Charlotte?  What are you doing here?' you said slowly

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"Charlotte? What are you doing here?' you said slowly. Your eyes drifted from your sister to Tom. You were baffled by her presence. She stood here with the ghost of your long lost love, beneath his crystal chandeliers and Persian tapestries.

Charlotte rarely came to visit, preferring to stay at the family home to tend to the orchard. She never married, or even courted anyone as far as you knew. She declared her place was at home, as it always had been.

After Richard's investment, the orchard started to gain revenue again. Charlotte prided herself as Father's successor. She buried herself in the apple business and years later, took over completely while Rosamund and George welcomed their third child. You always thought it sad that she lived such a solitary lifestyle, but one visit to the farm proved you were far wrong about that.

Richard wanted a look at the books. He insisted on this from time to time. He always had to have his filthy paws in everything. Being the sole investor gave him that right, though. On that particular visit, you discovered Charlotte and your former handmaiden in a lingering embrace. You often wondered why she was never let go after you moved out. Charlotte was mortified and begged you not to tell anyone. She was practically in hysterics. You assured her that you would keep her secret and wished her happiness. It was in short supply in your own life. Why shouldn't Charlotte find some of it in the arms of another, even if it was a woman...and a servant? 

You made sure to point that particular part out to her. She just smirked and sipped her tea. The irony was not lost on her.

"Tom wrote to me," Charlotte said, stepping in to embrace you.
"My goodness, Vi," she pulled away and smoothed your hair from your brow, "you must be in a state over this."

You looked at Tom, questioningly. How much of the truth did he tell her?

"Why did you write to her?" you asked Tom.

He approached you and slid an arm around your waist. You stiffened at his touch. As far as your family knew, as far as society knew, you were engaged to Richard. Even after all this, you were still playing the part.

"As long as your family is indebted to Richard, you'll never be rid of him," Tom said.

"Tom covered everything we owe Richard and his family, and more so," Charlotte explained. She gave Tom a look of such gratitude, you never thought you'd see such an exchange between them. She grabbed your hands and pulled you away from Tom.

"Violet, I'm so sorry about everything you've had to endure," she said affectionately.

"What did Tom tell you?" you asked glancing behind you. Tom was fixing himself another cocktail, giving you two a moment.

"Enough," Charlotte said with a disgusted frown.
"I'm certain if Mother knew, she would never have arranged it."

You scoffed at the mention of your mother. Charlotte nodded with understanding. The relationship with your mother was beyond repair. She looked over at Tom then back at you.

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