lamest story on the face of the planet earth

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I couldn't believe how we both could be admitted in Cony High. It's such a reputed high school. Although we both were admitted here, we were going to miss St. Michael.

I took a quick bath and dried my hair. I dressed up as I had told Lily. I chose to wear my sandals and only a hair band as an accessory as I had chopped my hair (well, that's what I called it). I drank a glass of juice my mom gave me, put my cell and laptop in my bag and went off. As soon as I walked out, I plugged my earphones and started walking. I walked fast and reached Lily's house at 6:59. Her house was only 5 minutes far so, I wasn't late. I shouted, "Lil, come on fast. We're gonna be late." She shouted, "Wait a sec."

She hurriedly came down and requested the driver to bring the car. The driver was ready with a black SUV and we both got in. she said, "You look cuter than me." I said, "liar. You look flawless. And I mean it." Yes, she really looked cute in her blouse and jeans. She had parted her hair at the side and left it loose. Her blonde hair was disturbing her and she was so irritated. She took a hair band from her bag and put it on. I laughed and well, she did nothing.

We reached Cony high in about 10 minutes. The school was so "populated". We got out of the car and then went towards the school. We were in 3 same classes and 3 different classes. I had taken Literature, Math, Physics, Arts, Anthropology and Biology and Lily had taken Literature, Math, Biology, Spanish, History and Sociology.

We went to literature corridors because it was the literature period first. Lily and I checked for our names in the name sheets. As I ran my finger through the sheet, I saw Andrew's name. it was clearly stated : Andrew Draper. could it be that Andrew Draper? My finger stopped on his name. please, please be it. The crush and love of my life is going to be here--- same school, same class.

Wow! I couldn't believe. But what if it wasn't him? What if there was another Andrew Draper in Maine? This name was intolerable for me. I was just staring at the same name for quite a while. Lily shook me. I came back from the dream. Lily screamed as there was so much noise there, "we're both here."

She hugged me. I was still shaken. I so wished for that guy to be Andrew. I couldn't say anything but yeah, Lily could. She asked, "Aren't you happy?"

I said, "yeah, I am. But there may be many students from st. Michael too. Right? I'm just thinking about that."

Lily replied, "yeah but who cares? There's no one we like from the school that we wish would be here."

Lily didn't know. I knew that but she liked Kurt a lot in school. After a long silence, I asked her, "yeah, right but what about Kurt?"

Lily said, "that guy? OMG ad, you're SO outdated."

She laughed and I laughed seeing her blush. I said, "yeah, nothing about him. It's all about you." She gave me that I'll-eat-you-alive-look and I kept my finger on my lips. She said, "Now that's like a good girl."


if you hated it comment how much you hated it out of 10. i hate it a full 10. this crap sucks

if you found it interesting or nice in some way, there is something wrong with you. :P


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