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(Y/N) pov

Ok so it's been 11 years since you and Gaara got married and 10 years since you guys decided to have kids. now your kids are 10. you have 5 kids. each a year apart so the oldest is 10. her name is Kindia. then it's 9. his name is Sam. then it's 8. her name is Sue. then it's 7. his name is Jacob. then the last one is 6. her name is Lauren. and right now you have your 5 kids running around playing. coming in and out of the house and backyard. and your trying to get to your husband Gaara who just got home.

you finally get to him and you give him a welcome home kiss. then say "welcome home my hubby. how was work." then he replies back by saying and while saying, hugging you from behind making you smile "exhausting but i knew I'd come home to my wonderful wife and her cooking and my 5 beautiful kids." so yep life seems pretty good. and I'm loving this new life.

Sorry it's short but that's the end of the X reader. Tell me what you think please.

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