"You guys can go ahead and jump in if you want. I'm gonna go change and ill be right out." Aaron said

"Ok. Well be here" Emily said.

"Oh! and don't be surprised if a bunch of random people come around the back too while I'm gone. I invited them."

Well while Aaron was gone Emily and I took our backpacks and say them down in a lounge chair.

Dylan without hesitation jerks his shirt off and dives in head first.

Me and Emily take our coverups off and dylan smirks at me.

"It's not polite to stare!" I point out.

Dylan rolls his eyes and slowly disappears under water.

Then Aaron walks back out shirtless and stops in his tracks staring at emily. of course Emily is checking him out. I just laugh at her.

He too takes a head dive in the pool and dylan raises out I the pool and walks over too me. Aaron does the same and walks over to Emily.

"Dylan Luke. Don't you dare!"

"Uh uh Aaron!"

They just look at each other and pick us both up over our shoulders.

We then heard voices an the gate opens and they both turn around and put us down.

A crap Ton of guys walk through the gate. And I notice them. They were all friends of mine but I don't know a few of them.

A couple of guys look at me and they're eyes go wide and dylan sees it as well. He then comes behind me and wraps his arms around my waist to acert his dominance over me.

I turn around and peck his lips.

I recognize some of them. But I wa never great friends with them like I was Aaron.

But the people there were

Taylor caniff

Matt Espinosa

Jack gilinsky

Mahogany Lox

And that's all I know.

I still saw four more.

"Ok girls. I know you see fimiliar faces and un fimiliar faces. this is nash and his little brother Hayes. This is carter and this is Cameron. He's the oldest."

Emily and I both wave hi and then dylan recognized Taylor and goes in for a bro hug and they both dive in to the pool.

"Wait. Taylor could you help me with something?" dylan smirked.

"Yea. Sure man." Taylor said

Dylan leans in and whispers something into Taylor's ear. He smiles and devious smile.

Next thing I know, dylan and Taylor are coming towards me.....

"Oh no. No. No!" I said. But they wouldn't listen.

Dylan grabs me around my waist an I squirm and almost get out of his grip.


and that was the end. He grabbed my feet and they threw me into the pool.

The boys all went "OOHHHHH!!"

then they all piled into the large pool

I get out and set on the edge and then not 30 seconds later a foot shoved me back in.

"Thanks sowardsanegger." I said.

"Your welcome." Emily said with a big smile.

I swim around and find dylan and dunk his head under. And he grabs my foot and pulls me with him.

I laugh when I come back up for air. He pecks me on the lips and smiles.

"I love you baby!" he says.

"Mhmm I hear you." I say with a smirk.

I then get out to jump off the diving board then a kid that looks 13 pops right in front of me.

"Hi I'm hayes!"

"Uh hi! I'm Kara."

"Did you know that your smoking hot?"

"Did you know that I have a boyfriend and you're like 4?" I say and take my hand and push my palm on his face and shove him backwards into the pool.

Everybody laughs. And so do I

"You see hayes. This why you don't have a girlfriend." His brother says.

I then go to the diving board and do a front flip and everyone claps. And Emily does one as well and lands on her back. Ouch.

This is a very fun day so far.

A new neighbor (Dylan Dauzat fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now