Chapter 2

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Kara's POV

When the bus finally comes to a stop we can't wait to get off that bus and stay off of it for a while.

"Ugh. Your hill is so tall Kara. I hate walking up it. Especially when I'm hungry." Emily whines.
"Hey. I had to walk up it every day so you will live." I said with a smirk on my face.
As we got to the top of the hill, Emily stops and looks curiously down the road to the bottom of the hill just below my house.

"Why didn't you tell me you had new neighbors?" she says

"Well for starters, I was unaware too."
I look down and can't see much. All I can see is figures because I left my glasses off today because I knew we wernt doing any work on the last day of school.

But all I could see was four people. I saw two adults That appears young enough to pass as parents. And a young boy that looked to be about 15 and a little girl with blonde hair that looked about 6or7 years old.
I didn't pay much attention since I was hungry and wanted to eat.

"Em we'll ask mom about them when we get inside." I say as I grab ahold of her arm. She was caught off gaurd and almost fell.
"Woah! easy on the yanking there!"she snapped while I just laughed.

We went inside and I saw mom getting Chinese food out of bags and setting them on the counter.

She turns around and says with a smile.
"Hey girls! Help yourself with the food on the counter. I already ate."

"Ok mom. thanks for the food!" Emily says. And I giggle a bit and we both dig in to the cartons of food which tasted like heaven...just like it always does.

"Hey mom. What was it you wanted to talk to us about?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Oh. I was just going to tell you, we have some new neighbors and they are all the way from Louisiana. And they need some serious help unpacking and everything so I'm going to help them with their stuff and you guys can meet them another day. Ok?"

"Ok then. Is there any kids our age?" I asked.

"Well they have a son that's 15 and a daughter that is 6. Their names are Dylan and Ally."

My eyes widen at the sound of those names. Those names oddly fit together. Laughed at myself mentally in my head and thought it could be Dylan Dauzat for a second.

I look over at Emily and she has the same expression on her face. But she shakes her head and I just shrug it off.

"Oh. Really? that's cool." Emilly says for me. Because I was still deep in thought.

"Yea. So I'm going to head down to their house right now and help them you guys can finish eating. and Emily your nana will be here to get you around 8:00."

"Yes mom. I know. Ill be ready." She says and smiles.
It's already 7:15 so we don't have long since the dang bus broke down.

Emily would stay the weekend but she has a softball game in the morning and I have a volleyball game in the morning at 11:00am so she will just come over next weekend.

We start talking about all the amazing plans we are gonna do for this summer and then I waterfall braid her hair and go take a shower. I hop in the shower and wash my body and my long blonde hair and shave my legs for the game tomarrow.

I hear a honk outside and it was Emily's nana.
"Bye Em! good luck at the game tomarrow!"I yelled.

"Bye kj! good luck to you too at the game!" she yelled back.
I wave goodbye at her and her nana and they disappeard down the road.

A new neighbor (Dylan Dauzat fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now