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'The sky's falling! Baby drop that ass 'fore it crash!'

Welcome to the future. It is the year 2024 in a city that cannot be found on any map called Tokyo-To, but everyone just calls it Tokyo.
This city was once vibrant but now EVERYONE is in danger. The streets are about to explode. Who's gonna rise to the call?
Remember; the streets don't wait for no one!


In the depths of Tokyo-to reside Rudies, who are punks on inline skates who love to graffiti. They live for expression, but due to laws set forth by mayor Gouji Rokkaku in order to increase productivity by dangerous means, horrible things happen to street punks who dare spray colourful paint on any building. That is unless you're fast enough. Or know how to beat the police force.

Rudies don't do friends. You'll find Rudies split into gangs who occupy different areas in Tokyo-to. The city is split into three districts - Kogane-Cho in the east, Benten-Cho in the west and Shibuya-cho in the south. This city is like a big washing machine. Only the strong survive. Little socks get lost in the cycle.
The cycle being police brutality, getting in the wrong kind of fights with other gangs, and they won't offer medical care to you no matter what the kind of rudie you are. If you get badly hurt you're left for dead. It's difficult to see with heavy pollution so much so it's dangerous to stay outside for too long.

Our story begins with a young Rudie who has been skating for only a few months in Tokyo-to and isn't surviving well.

Yoyo, a boy no older than fifteen, was passing through the Shibuya bus terminal. He wore a light blue hoodie in midsummer to hide the bruises on his pale body, but still rolled up his sleeves so he didn't overheat. His brown cargo pants were patched up and stained making way to the purple and yellow patches on his aching legs . If there was one thing he was most proud of about his attire however - it would be his golden skates. He would be careful not to scuff them and polished them often , though they still had a little wear. He carefully wore a support bandage on his right ankle - of which would still give him pain when jumping from great heights. He had a yellow strap bag around his shoulder holding his few possessions, but the most noticeable feature about him would be his red rectangular sunglasses and chin length lime green hair.
Sure it was flashy, but he spray painted it green to hide his natural ginger hair colour - of which he'd be afraid to ridiculed for. Green hair was fine, and it was his favourite colour.
Shibuya terminal was always busy. Yoyo 's eyes were tired from the corrosive pollution and under his eyes were as purple as his bruises - as  if not breathing clean air could be some kind of street fight - he hadn't been in a well ventilated room for weeks and it was beginning to take its toll on his poor lungs. 
But Yoyo wasn't on the streets for no reason. He left home and came to Shibuya for one reason - he needed to find the GGs. A gang with famous for having the most soulful graffiti, and the best message - consisting of two members. He was determined to be the third. But he hadn't contacted his sources for a while, so he wouldn't know much about their whereabouts now. He was looking for a place called 'The Garage' which wasn't specific enough. The boy, though injured leaped up onto a rail on the pavement of the narrow road to somewhere unknown - he had very good grind skill and frankly it had helped him out a lot over the past few months.
However, an opening through the side of a building which had a very certain - recognisable type of graffiti on it - caught his eye. He jumped off the rail and stopped, skating toward the opening with intrigue. What was on the other side however - was a place known as the GG's Garage. Bingo.
However, Yoyo didn't think this far ahead. If he were to just stand here and a GG's member were to find him standing alone, something bad might happen. Coming here he was close to collapsing under his overworked joints - he hoped they'd be slightly friendly and help him.
He hoped.

Jet Set Radio Fury: A Jet Set Radio FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant