Chapter 2

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Lou's POV
I woke up early in the morning and got ready. After a while I left home knowing that uncle is at school early today. I went inside the main campus and went to the principal's office. I knocked at the door and heard a small 'come in' so I went inside. "Mr.Asano I would like to discuss about the behaviour of The Five Virtuosos" I said with a straight face "what about them?" He replied "they are mocking the E class students" I said "oh but that's just how our school system works here" He replied "I don't want anyone mocking my friends infront of me so I don't care about the stupid school system, if they don't get punished for their rude behaviours infront of a princess then I'll make sure I give them their punishments myself" I said "don't worry I will punish them later, but you know that you did score the highest in the entrance exam, you even beaten my son, so why do you want it to be a secret and request to be sent to E class?" He said "cause it's fun in E class, I can do what I want without anyone judging me and if you want to send me to A class then I will decline" I said "ok" He replied "it's  nice talking to you Mr.Asano, I hope we can talk again sometimes but I have to attend my class, goodbye" I said walking to the door "goodbye" He replied. After the little chat with Mr.Asano I went to the classroom and sat on my seat. The bell rang signaling that it is time for class, Korosensei came inside the classroom. I went to his desk while smiling, "hello sensei, good morning!" I said "good morning Lou~san" He said then I quickly took out my knife and cut 8 tentacles off that means he doesn't have any tentacles anymore. I was about to stab his heart but I stopped. I got off of him and bowed "I'm sorry sensei" I said "it's ok, but why did you stop?" He asked "cause I can see in my classmates eyes that they don't want you dead yet" I said "s-so if it's not for them I would have been dead by now?" He asked "yup, but I won't kill you cause you're my first ever teacher that is fun 'not like my other teacher that will just shout at me'" I said whispering the last part "aww thanks Lou~san" He said. After the little chat with sensei I turned around and saw my classmates with shock faces, I just shrugged it off and sat down on my chair.


It was now English time and Irina sensei went inside the classroom. "Hello Ms.Irina" I greeted her with a smile but I was surprised to see that she was shock. "Why are you so shock sensei?" I asked "You didn't call me bitch" she said "you aren't a female dog so why would I call you that?" I asked "cause everyone here calls me a bitch, wait a female dog? Don't you know what bitch means?" She said "umm I know what bitch means, it's what you call a female dog" I said "you're to innocent kid" she said and was about to explain what bitch means but then a certain red head came in and covered my ears.

Karma's POV
I was covering Lou~Chan's ears, "bitch~sensei don't tell her yet, she's way too innocent" I said "ohhhh does someone has a wittle cwush" She said in a teasing manner "no...I..Don't like her ok, I'm just trying to protect her innocence just like I promised Mr.Karasuma" I said but thank God Lou~chan can't hear us. She is right, she can kill korosensei in seconds cause she cut of 8 tentacles, that's making me curious on who she really is or what she really is. "Umm hello earth to Karma are you there" Bitch~sensei said "yeah let's just continue our class" I said then I heard her sweet cute voice "umm Karma~senpai can you please take off your hands off of my ears" Lou said. Soooooo cute. "Uhh yeah sure" I said then turned away so she can't see my blush.


Lou's POV
It's now lunch time I was sitting with kayano~chan and Nagisa~kun. "Oh yeah I almost forgot here Kayano~chan, Nagisa~kun have some cookies that I made" I said handing them their own cookies in containers "thank you Lou~chan" they both said "your welcome" I said then continued eating. After we finished eating I went to the teachers Lounge and gave my homemade cookies to Uncle, Irina~sensei, and korosensei. After giving them their cookies I went inside the classroom and gave my homemade cookies to my classmates. "There you go, I hope you enjoy my homemade cookies, it's a thank you gift for you guys for being my friends" I said and went outside to find Karma. After a while of walking I finally found the red head I was looking for "here Karma~senpai I hope you enjoy it, thanks for being my friend" I said bowing "Thanks Lou~chan" He said. "Hey Lou~chan, I want to show you something" He said "ok" I replied "follow me" He said so I followed him. After a while of walking we finally arrived at a cliff. "What are we doing here Karma~senpai?" I asked "I know you're following us sensei, come out" He said then Korosensei came out. They were talking to each other while I was busy looking at the view so I didn't heard what they were talking about. Karma grabbed my hand and asked me a question "do you trust me?" He asked "ofcourse" I replied "good" He said then he pushed both of us off the cliff. He said something to Korosensei but I can't hear what it was cause I was busy thinking if I should use my wings or not but before I can think of what to do we were caught by a sticky web, the worst part is that I was on top of Karma. After Korosensei let us down I saw Nagisa went towards us "Karma that was a great attempt but putting yourself in danger is wrong and the worst part is you pushed one of you classmates with you" Korosensei said. After a while of lecturing, "Hey let's go get something to eat, my treat." Karma said getting korosensei's wallet from his pocket "Hey that's my wallet!" Korosensei exclaimed "sorry teach, here you go" Karma said while throwing the wallet back to Korosensei. "Its empty" sensei exclaimed "come on teach let's call it a donation" Karma said both me and Nagisa sweatdrop "a donation, A DONATION!" Korosensei said that made me laugh with Nagisa by my Side Laughing as well. We all went back home.

Hello my cute little bunnies I hope you enjoyed reading, don't forget to vote. If you need someone to talk to Lui~chan is here for you guys so yeah don't be afraid of talking to me.
Goodbye, have a nice day.
iamtodoroki this is the hero costume

iamtodoroki this is the hero costume

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2018 ⏰

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