Jasmine: yani me and you share this room i have some of my clothes in your fat ass closet. I own two dresser drawers and half of your bed

Yani: ok maybe you do live here

Jasmine: what you complianing for you live at my house

Yani: no I don't

Jasmine: Ya Ya you have a key.

Yani: so

Jasmine: and our guest room is your bedroom

Yani: thats because you love me

Jasmine: eh

Yani: *tackles me and pins me down* SAY YOU LOVE ME.

Charity: *laughs*

Jasmine: no!

Yani: if you don't I'll lick your face

Jasmine: I will kill you if you do

Yani: then say it

Jasmine: I love you Ya Ya

Charity: Yay the love *laughs*

Chres: so charity when you gonna date me

Charity: when I become straight

Chres: so become straight or atleast bi

Charity: No its not that easy. and I'm just not into guys thats all

Chres: well i wanna date you

Jasmine: chres leave my baby alone she dont want

Charity: right

I get a call from bae so I leave real quick.

Jasmine: hey babe

Eric: don't hey babe me why are you trying to play me

Jasmine: what the fuck are you talkig about

Eric: watch your mouth who are you with

Jasmine: Charity, Ya Ya, August, and Chres

Eric: why is you always with them? I don't want you around them.

Jasmine: who?

Eric: Chres, August, and especially that bitch Charity I know she wants you.

Jasmine: *gets loud* for one she ain't no bitch. you better chill the fuck out and calm the fuck down. why the fuck you buggin and you got me niggah

Eric: watch who te fuck you talking to before you get hurt

Jasmine: was that a threat. niggah try some shit I dare you.

Eric: ard watch

Jasmine: *hangs up* asshole

August: you good?

Jasmine: oh damn you heard that

August: yeah we heard only you though

Jasmine: I'm good

Chres: you sure ma

Jasmine: yeah I'm fine I'll be back

August: Jasmine Dont leave we gotta talk about it

Jasmine: no we dont ok. *leaves*

Charity: I'll bring her back

August: but she don't want to be bothered

Charity: what I've learned you can't ever leave a person by theirselves when they angry.

she comes after me. but i dont want to talk to her right now. eric done fucked up badly..

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