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AOT- all of them 

 Cb- cooper barnes 

UD- uncle dan

Pl- paul

ATG- all the girls

y/n- Uncle dan?

I got up and hugged him, he hugged back

AOT- uncle dan?

R- how do you know him?

y/n- i used to date his son, lucas,

Ella- omg you mean his incredibly hot son lucas?

y/n- yes, but he always had a soft spot for me so he told me to call him uncle dan

UD- yep, y/n is like a niece to me, if you need anything, just call me

y/n- ok

He left and i sat down, just about everyone in the room had their mouth hanging open

y/n- what?

R- that was the happiest i've ever seen dan

Pl- yea it was so scary

y/n- come on he can't be that ba-

We all heard yelling from the hallway, everyone went to see what was going on,

UD- Why are you not done with the fucking scene yet?!!!

An attractive older man yelled back

?- Because jace needed a fucking break dan!

UD- cooper i don't care this scene should have been fucking done yesterday, and your feeling sympathetic for him!!

Cb- He is 17 dan! That boy is tired, he has been working his ass off for the past two weeks, he just filmed a whole fucking season in a week, give him some slack

UD- slack?! You want me to give him some slack! I'll give him some slack when he finishes the fucking scene

Cb- Dan! This is one of the hardest scenes he has ever done! And plus he is exhausted, you have had him in here since 2 am

UD- i'm here to get shit done cooper now you better get his ass up and finish shooting

He continued yelling and riele whispered in my ear

R- go help

y/n- i'll try

I said and went out there

UD-....now get the fuck-

y/n- uncle dan calm down

His muscles loosened up and his breathing slowed

UD- stay out of this sweetheart

y/n- no, you really need to give jace and cooper a break, and maybe if you give them time to relax, they will be able to shoot your scene faster and better

UD- that does make sense, thank you sweetheart,

He smiled, and hugged me

UD- i'm sorry everyone for all the yelling, and i'm sorry cooper for giving you such a hard time

Cb- no problem man, but i think you should be apologizing to the one who deserves it

y/n- yea

UD- i'll go talk to him

He left again and cooper said,

Cb- who is this goddess of a girl?

R- my best friend, dan has a soft spot for y/n

Keep me in mind // Jace Normanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن