Chapter 1

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I pace back and forth in front of my bed. I walk to the wall and then back to the mirror. I've been doing this for about ten minutes but this is the first time I actually look into the mirror. I look different. I look older... but in a good-grown up-way. I feel bold. More alive. Before, I wouldn't have even considered calling him. But right now I'm contemplating a list of pros and cons in my head. That's a huge step.

It's been exactly a week. What's the worst that could happen? Do not answer that.

I run to my purse sitting on my bed. I struggle to get my phone out of the tiny pocket. When it finally comes out I swipe the screen to see a picture of my nieces back in the States. They're the only thing that made it hard moving here.

I dig the napkin out of my purse and dial his number. He answers on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" he sounds out of breath.

"Hi.. Is this Zander?" I ask rather timidly.

"Yeah, who's this?" he wonders, in his enticing French accent.

"It's-I'm.. Talissa. My name's Talissa." I stutter and then clench my teeth.

"You sound like the girl from Subway, am I right?" I can hear the arousal in his voice.

"Yup! That's me!" I say somewhat releived.

"Sorry I was just finishing up at the gym. How've you been?" he asks, I'm not sure if he's nervous or just caught off guard.

"I've been well thank you. How've you been?" I ask with more confidence than I expected.

"Great. Anyways, I loved talking to you last week, so.. I was wondering... if you were free next Saturday?" he asks, now I can tell he's nervous.

"Sure. Yeah." I reasure my answer for my own benefit. I can't believe I'm doing this.

"Where were you thinking of going?" the words blurt out before I can think them over.

"Uh... How about this place I know called Paix de Gâteau. Do you know it?"

"Hmm I'm not sure, but I'd be more than happy to try something new!" I say with a smug grin.

"Great! I'm looking forward to it! So can I pick you up at five?" Zander asks.

As I tell him where to pick me up the nerves and excitement I feel fight it out inside me. I'm not sure which one will win.


I jump in the shower to shave my grizzly-ass legs. It takes me 45 minutes to get prestegiously clean. I dry off and walk into the living room. Azaleia is sitting on the couch watching Dance Moms. The episode where Nia forgets her dance. It's funny how when Maddie forgets her solo Abby comforts her and says it's okay. But when it's one of the other girls, they get their asses chewed out and they'll never hear the end of it.

"I don't know what to wear," I whine as I slump into the recliner.

"C'mon Tali! I'll help you!" and with that she pulls me up by my arm and drags me down the hallway.

I watch patiently as she digs through my closet. She picks out a pair of white shorts and throws them on my bed, as she continues to search for the perfect combination I blow dry my hair.

Once I've finished drying my hair I see Azaleia has selected a pink shirt with white daises sprinkled over it. I shoo Azaleia out of the room and dress myself.

Now what to do with this mop I call hair.

"Azaleia can you help me with my hair please?" I call to her.

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