Just a Dream

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The sun was just barely rising over the hills as everyone slept peacefully in their beds. Almost everyone.

Bubblegum has gotten little to no sleep last night. The guilt she felt for breaking Finn's big fragile heart was the only think she could think of. When she did finally close her sleepy eyes all she could dream about was the previous events and all the horrible outcomes.

"No... No... NO!"It wasn't my fault!" Bubblegum shouted as she ran down the dark halls of her kingdom.

"YOU MONSTER!" A face appeared next to her in a flash and as quickly as it appeared it disappeared.

"SELFISH!" Another face appeared on the opposite side of her. Tears streaming from her eyes as she covered her ears and ran faster.

"No please! I didn't mean to hurt her!" The hall seemed like and endless abiss getting darker and darker as she ran. Suddenly a tall dark figure in the shadows was right infront of her. To avoid hitting it she stopped in her tracks to only trip and fall.

The figure began to step closer becoming more visible and noticeable. A sword was in his right hand and the other stain with the blood of a candy citizen.

"F... Finn?" Bubblegum looked up horrified at the site of her once loyal hero turned evil. "What happened to you?"

He looked down at her staring deep into her soul. The eyes of chaos and pain. The eyes of a psychopathic monster. The eyes of revenge.

"You couldn't let me be happy princess..." The way he said princess stung Bubblegum's heart. As if she didn't deserve the title and crown she wore high on her head. "...Well I'm done!" He shouted viciously as he raised he sword up in both hands ready to strike a fatal blow.

Bubblegum closed her eyes tightly and raised her hands up in a defense postion trying to save herself. The loud shriek of what sounded to be an owl filled the room. Bubblegum did not bother opening her eyes for she was afraid of what will be infront of her.

Bubblegum sat up quickly in bed as cold sweat dripped from her forehead. She was breathing heavily and felt around as if to figure out where she was.

Peppermint Butler opened to door to her bedroom causeing the already frightened princess to jump still gasping for air.

"Princess? Are you alright?" He asked concerned. She could do nothing but shake her yes to avoid reliving the horrific nightmare.

"Yes I am fine." She pulled at the covers nervously. "May I ask you something Peppermint Butler?"

"But of course Princess." He replied respectfully.

"Do you believe that everything will return to normal?" She looked at him waiting silently. His face showed a shocked yet confused expression but quickly returned to normal.

"Its up to destiny whether or not things will be normal again or not. If you want my honest opinion, I believe you globbed up Princess." Bubblegum flinched at the word "princess" recalling back to her nightmare.

"Thank you Peppermint Butler." She sighed and layed back down.

"Now lets get some light in here." Peppermint Butler opened the curtains and turned to head out the room. "I will be back with breakfast."

Bubblegum brought the shirt Marceline gave her up to her nose and breathed in deeply. It seemed to calm her alittle but the dream still haunted her. She rolled over in bed refusing to close her eyes.

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