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      "I see you used your new toy, soldat." One of the handlers spoke to him in Russian. He glanced over from his spot on the cot at him, his eyes briefly flickering to the woman that was curled up in the furtherest corner from him. Her face was bruised and puffy, the split on her lip had finally stopped bleeding. "Come we have work for you."
Bucky continued to punch the bag in front of him as memories haunted him. It was like the flood gate opened, and as much as he wanted for them to stop, they wouldn't. He remembered how bad he had beat you that night, the worst part was he had felt nothing at the time.
"Bucky," Sam yelled from behind him, bringing him back to the present. Bucky looked at the bag, the seem had split and sand was spilling to the floor. There was blood soaked into the canvass, he looked around confused at first. "You okay?"
"Fine." He mumbled back looking down at his hands. His right hand was covered in blood, knuckled spilt from how hard he had been hitting the bag, the skin around them starting to purple.
"Dude, you aren't acting like your okay." Sam asked, placing his hand on the man's shoulder. Bucky tried shrug Sam's hand off.
"I'm fine." He stated through gritted teeth. Sam tightened his grip on the ex assassin, however that was the wrong move. Bucky swung in towards him, planting his metal palm against the man's chest. He shoved him hard enough to send him sprawling across the gym floor. "Telling you, I'm fine."
Bucky glared over at the man, before he turned, his posture ridged as he left the room.
"Where do they take you?" She asked as he came back from his mission. His face set as stone as he laid down on the cot. Blood covered his metal fist, the smell of gunpowder and copper still strong in his nose. "What did you do?"
"Quiet, girl." The winter solider replied coolly. Staring up at the ceiling, wishing for nothing more then for the nothingness to take over. Waiting for the next mission.
"Who are you?" She continued not listening to his request. He sat up suddenly, his movements mechanical, his legs swung to the floor as his head snapped in her direction.
Bucky stalked the hall of the compound, his hand twitching as the memory continued roll through his brain. It was like a movie without a stop button, his anger was building in him. The anger of things he did, especially to you.
"Bucky?" Steve's soft questioning voice was what snapped the tight band he had had holding his anger in place. He turned striking out at his friend, Steve jumped back in response. Blocking the next punch coming his way. "Damn it Buck."

"How much?" You asked the street vendor softly, holding up the apple. You exchanged money with her for it. You looked around the crowded Saturday market on the outskirts on New York.
Absentmindedly tapping the small knife discreetly tucked into your waist band. Your heart rate kicking up a notch when you see how crowded it was. Ten years, it had been ten years since you had been a place as public like this. You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to wander in the sea of people.
Nine years of that ten was spent with one person and one person only. The one they called the winter soldier. You brought your fingertips up to the scar on your eyebrow, one of the many you sustained while your imprisonment. You didn't know where he had gone after his last mission, you hoped he was alive. Deeply you wished he was doing good, finding out who he truly was.
Many would call you crazy worrying about a man who was used as an agent of death but you knew him. They had made him who he was, just as you had become a product of your ten years in the metal room. You gripped the base of the knife one more time to ground you to the present.

"Okay? You going to tell me what the hell is actually going on?" Steve demand Bucky, who was laying in the middle of what used to be the hallway wall. His metal arm being held in place by a piece of exposed rebar that Steve had bent around his wrist locking him in place.
"It's nothing." Bucky seethed, glaring up at the man.
"Look I got nothing else to do today." Steve stated leaning against the opposing wall. "I can do this all day."
"I swear, Steve, it's nothing." The anger in his voice slowly fading.
"I don't think it is, you've been on edge all morning, shoved Sam, and to be honest I think it has something to do with last night. Y/n, right?"
"It's... She's..." Bucky tried to find the right words.
"I can wait." Steve crossed his arms.
"She's a girl, someone they picked off the streets. A present for the winter soldier, probably hoping it will help me pass the time while I wasn't on ice." Bucky slowly started hanging his head in shame. "Poor girl had no idea what was going on. I hurt her, bad and a lot."
"What happened to her?" Steve asked, looking down at his best friend.
"I don't know, she was still there the last I knew. After the whole thing with shield when I dragged you out of the water I never went back. I don't know if she's a live or dead, don't even know if she's still there." Bucky's voice was heavy with guilt, Steve walked over, pulling the rebar back freeing the man.
"All I know is I haven't thought of her till last night, and now, the memories haunt me." Bucky told him, standing, refusing to meet his eye. "The things I did to her, there's no excuse for it."

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