Chapter 14 - Friend or foe?

Start from the beginning

“Right, I shan’t be much longer” William said, excusing himself from the room.

Lucy went back to studying the paintings. One was of a seascape scene with mountains and rock cliffs in the background, coastal rock platforms in the foreground and a tall ship to the left of the picture, which seemed to be sailing in a bay. The sky was grey and cloudy but not ominous. The painting seemed to be a water colour and was framed. It had a brass engraving underneath the painting.

“Cape Barathus, Adventure Bay, Van Diemens Land, Augustus Earle”, Lucy read out loud.

“Nice” she said to herself.

“Yes, I liked it. I got it at an auction just recently” a voice from behind her spoke.

Again, Lucy nearly jumped out of her skin.

“Oh my goodness, I didn’t hear you come in again” Lucy said, startled.

“I apologize again. I have been told that I have a soft step” William responded. “Please, take a seat” he went on, motioning to the sofa.

Lucy did as she was asked and took a seat. William handed Lucy a cup of tea and offered her a plate with a piece of tea cake and a fork on it.

“Is that tea cake?” Lucy asked, surprised that it was around in this time period.

“Yes, it is” William responded. “Why, don’t they have tea cake where you are from Lucy?” William questioned.

“Yes, they do” Lucy answered. “I’m just surprised to see it here” Lucy went on.

William seemed perplexed by Lucy’s comment but dismissed it as a miscommunication.

Lucy sipped her tea, placed the cup on the small table and started to eat her cake with the fork supplied.

“Mmm. This is delicious. Did you make it?” Lucy asked, her mouth still half full.

“I’m pleased you think so. No, I didn’t bake it. I have a lady that comes in once a week to clean my house and she always brings me something sweet” William responded. He went on. “Now, what is it that I can do for you Lucy? How does your urgent matter involve my father?”

Lucy took another sip of her tea.

“I don’t know if your mum told you or not, but I’ve been staying with your parents for the last couple of days” Lucy started.

William responded before Lucy could go on.

“No, my mother called on me yesterday but I was not at home. She left me a note asking me about father’s celebration tomorrow. Are you going to be in attendance Lucy?”

“I’m hoping to go but, in a way, that all depends on you. Are you going?” Lucy asked in return.

“Am I correct in my assumption that you are being very forward and asking me to the celebration with you?” William questioned. “After all, I hardly know you and we haven’t even been formally introduced” he finished.

“Oh, no. What? Sorry, no! I mean, I wasn’t asking you. I was just wondering if you were going. I wasn’t being forward or rude or anything. Sorry” Lucy stammered out, flustered that William thought she was asking him on a date.

“My apologies. My assumptions were obviously wrong. Please pardon my rudeness” William quickly replied, also flustered and embarrassed by his mistake. His cheeks turned pink.

“Should we start again?” Lucy asked.

“Yes, let’s. Good day to you madam, my name is William Pickett and I am pleased to make your acquaintance” William said holding out his hand for Lucy to shake.

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