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ALEXANDER BRANDON II paced across his throne room, undecidedly thinking over the hard decisions he should make in accordance to the will of the kingdom, but also should not be under wraps from the strong holds of justice. He clicked his tongue, strolled some more, and stopped in the middle of his thoughts as the doors of his throne room bursted open.

He whipped his head to the scene in front of him. The Commander of the Royal Sentries, Cade Sorrowfell, stalked in front of the dais Alexander was pacing on and halted right in front of him.

Cade Sorrowfell had dragged someone inside the throne room, which was unprecedented since the law of the palace strictly denies those unnecessary for a beholding of the courtroom, and Cade never fails to imbibe himself with such law.

Alexander raised his eyebrows as he saw Cade's hand tightly gripping the elbow of the unwelcomed visitor. Not wanting much attention for himself with all the stress running across his mind, he decided to flop down on his seat, motioned for the commander to proceed and slumped down in boredom.

Scowling, Cade turned to the struggling hooded figure he was grasping and thrusted his arm to stop the moving figure from wriggling out of his hold. He struggled at first, but managed to keep the tormented in place and reached for the person's hood.

Alexander watched in anticipation as the stranger was about to be put on display and his brows met as the hood fell down and revealed a girl.


Kirsten cursed under her breath as her tormentor dragged her forward, her eyes suddenly losing focus because of the blow she received from the hounds when she attempted to scale the walls of the castle.

It was a slight glitch to her plan, she told herself. And she needn't worry about it failing at all, because the rudimentary prerequisites are being held in place with full security.

She didn't bother to make the effort of looking at the bastard who was gripping her arms, and she kept her gaze on the floor, silently pondering over the fact that she could easily kick his knees, give him a jab on the mouth as he buckles, and smash his head on the wall for good measure. But she didn't do any of that, because her plan was at risk. And she had to stick to the plan.

She tried to struggle, the lame drama when it comes to capture and all that, acting like as if she was naïve enough to believe that she could get away with just that mere action. She kept her face hidden, not allowing the risk of anyone recognizing her identity.

But without any prior actions that would lead her to believe such possibility, her tormentor thrusted his arms; he moved so quickly that she hadn't had time to brace herself from what was about to happen.

Her hood fell. And she was totally exposed.

The sudden burst of light in her vision made her squint, and she found herself inside a gigantic throne room.

She beheld the beauty of it: chandeliers dangling like fractal spires, marble floors which seemed to stretch into eternity, and the dais which looked like a floating mass of diamonds and precious gems.

Kirsten stood there, mesmerized, until she laid her eyes on the person sitting on the throne.

She blinked almost unconsciously.

"Cade," the man in the throne room spoke in depth of clarity and she couldn't help but watch in awe as his lips moved impeccably, forming the words through its plumpness.

It was late before she realized that she was standing in front of Alexander Brandon II, the Crown Prince of Theshra.

Kirsten swallowed as she lost focus and looked at the Prince's blue eyes, orbs that seem to strangle her in a drifting sleep of ocean and sea and clouds. His blond hair stuck out, which would've made a man in average beauty look unhygienic, but looked mesmerizingly extravagant on the Prince's head.

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