
The weekend finally rolled around and Nat, Bucky and Sam, and Tony were due back from the club at any time. You, Steve and Wanda, had just finished a movie and were waiting for them to come home for some games to commence. That was when the party started and the hilarity ensued. Wanda got up, "I'm going to go call Vis and see how he and Clint are doing on the mission." You nodded and took a drink of your beer and Steve took a swig of the mead. It was the only thing that Buck and he could get a buzz off of an even golden boy needed to get his drink on sometimes. You smiled. "What is it, doll?" You shook your head. "Nothing, just nice when you're relaxed like this. Don't see it too often anymore." He nodded and looked out onto the city. "Yea, I've...been uptight lately. I know. I hear what they say about me." You looked at his face and his stitched together brows. It bothered him, knowing his teammates weren't fond of him right now. "They trust you and respect you. They know that you have their best interest at heart." He looked into your eyes. "But...." He knew you had more to say. You stared at him a moment. Choosing your words carefully. "You don't always have to be the Captain though. You can relax. Drink. Joke. Hell, tell dirty jokes. Curse. Date. No one will judge you or out you or think less of you."

He paused just staring at your face and ruminating on your words. "I d-don't know how." He rubbed his beard with his free hand and smirked in slight embarrassment. "How to what?" He let out a small deep laugh that makes you laugh in return. "Any of it Y/N. All I know is fighting and leading. I haven't been on a date since the 40's and the thoughts scare the....s-shit out of me." You smiled encouragingly. "There ya go." He smiled earnestly at you and it warmed your heart. "I drink but never really let loose when we play games. I'm always playing safe. Cursing....I can try that. I just...I don't want to seem like a jerk. Ya know?" You shook your head. "Oh please. You are the nicest man I have ever met and you are built like a fucking tank. I expect you to throw around some curse words and as long as you open the door on a date for your girl, she won't care of you say Fuck. It doesn't make you less of a gentleman. You're a catch. " He blushed and nodded. "Alright, so will you ..help me loosen up?"  You narrowed your eyes and took a drink of your drink. "Do you trust me? Because I will...but I've seen how uptight you are when you curse, drink, try to chill out and flirt. You want help with all of that." He paused and thought about it. "Yea. It's time I start living and who better to teach me than my best girl." You smiled but still felt a pang in your heart knowing that best girl was a code word for best friend. But hey, if it meant you could live in the moment and pretend for a bit that a few stolen moments of flirting and what not were real and yours. Fuck it, take it and run with it.

You guys talked a bit more about some random shit before the gang came stumbling in from the club.

"Game time bitches. Let's do this!!!" Nat yelled getting tequila-her drug of choice and came plopping down next to Bucky on the couch. Wanda gave you updates on the mission from Vis and Tony got his cigar out. You grabbed Steves hand and took him to his room "Be right back. Go ahead and start." Tony yelled "Hurry up. I need you Y/N.. You're the only sane one in the lousy bunch of drunks." Steve laughed.  "Was he not here the other night when you were singing Benny and the Jets off key with a celery stick on the tabletop before I held your hair back for 30 minutes?" You cringed. "Shut it spangles, tonight is about you, not me." You went into his room and pushed him down on his bed with a confused face while you pulled out a new shirt and some jeans and found a hat for him to wear. "What are you waiting for? Strip." His eyes widened. "Now?" You shook your head. "Modest much? Geez. Ok, I turn around to protect your chastity belt." He blushed and chuckled. "Did you grow the beard to hid the ever-present pink on your cheeks?" He let out a loud laugh. "Am I that transparent Y/N?" You shrugged as he continued to change.

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