Chapter 4

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I sat motionless within the hotel room, staring at the bag filled with the items from my memory. Hesitation hovered over me as I was afraid of what I would recall from the items. The voices of the past whispered to me, trying to get me to open the bag and retake what I had lost. It had been an hour since I looked at the bag, but it felt like only a few minutes. I sighed, getting up to pick up the bag and place it on the bed. It's contents rattled slightly as I unzipped it and began placing them across the bed. Without thinking, they were placed the same way as the memory I had of them inside Salem's warehouse. I stepped back, looking at each one without the slightest vision or memory coming to mind. "What are you doin," Hans asked as he enter the room, setting his bag by the other bed as he did. "Trying to remember, but...nothing is coming to me," I replied, picking up the small wooden box and looking it over. Something shifted inside as I ran my fingers over the wood. "It just takes time," he said, sitting down and pulling off his boots, "you can't rush the healing processes".  I nodded, feeling the moon carved into the box move under my finger before pressing it. The box clicked before allowing me to removed the lid to reveal a dagger and two folded pieces of paper. "Did someone give me this box," I asked as I pulled out the papers and set down the box. "I don't know. You got it from an island you were stuck on when you met Crystal," he explained, laying back on the bed, "you had it in a satchel you returned with". I nodded, opening what looked to be an old letter that brought memories of the island back to me. My father had written the letter and said he had left me in a village. Chills rolled down my spine when I finished the letter, gently putting it down as I picked up the second piece of paper. It was a bounty for a man who looked similar to myself, making me assume it was my father. Something told me I had seen him before, only briefly though. I slowly put the papers back into the box before closing it, turning to the sketch book. The pictures inside brought no significant memories back, though the people inside of it look familiar. It was a boy who looked similar to me and two dragoniod girls. They continued to appear within the book, often together or with me. The sketches we unsettlingly realistic, looking almost like black and white photographs. The faces were familiar, bringing me to the conclusion that they were my kids. "Remember me, Hunter," the voice from the corn field whispered into my ear as I closed the book and set it down. I clenched my jaw slightly, looking to the Sapphire medallion that lay next to it. It brought back memories of escaping the prison, the day I had taken it from the vault. Something else bagged at my mind as I slowly picked it up, something or someone I wasn't remembering. The medallion was cold to the touch and seemed to have a radiance to it as if it was glowing. I stared at it for several seconds before slipping it into my pocket with a sigh. "What are the plans for today," I asked Hans as I looked over the sword, remembering it was gifted to me. "There aren't any, we just have to wait for your son," he replied, slowly turning his head towards me, "I remember the day I got ahold of that sword and sent it to Blade. Took it from a chest a group of pirates had buried a mile from my home". I nodded, attaching the sheath to my belt before putting everything else back into the bag. "I want to go and talk to someone then," I said, attaching my bow and quiver to the side of the bag. "Who," Hans asked, sitting up slightly. . "A lady we spoke to yesterday before Kye was killed," I replied, picking my cloak up off the edge of the bed and putting it on before grabbing my bag. "Alright," he said, slowly getting to his feet, "but why this lady". "She warmed us that this would happen. Something about forces trying to kill us both," I replied, moving to the door. "Hmmm...that seems kinda strange," he muttered as we moved out of the hotel room, "I wonder if she's a seer". "Seer," I asked, confused by the names as I turned to him. "It's someone who can see into the future. Some of them can look into people's past as well, but I've never met one before," he replied, scratching his chin as he seemed extremely interested in her. I nodded, turning into the lobby and out the front of the building. "So why do you need reaper venom," I asked, thinking of the things we bought the day before, "and that amulet". "The amulet is for you daughter, it's supposed to help her with her sorcery. That's at least what Ranger informed me," he explained as we crossed the street and headed towards where the potions shop was, "the poison is for something another group is planning, they asked me to get it". "What sorcery does my daughter do again," I asked, passing a group of suited men. "Toxic is a poison sorcerer, Rose is a pyro like you," he replied, looking over his shoulder. I nodded again, turning into an alleyway that lead to the street the shop was on. The hairs on the back of my neck rose as we moved down it, making me feel like I was being watched. No one was in my line of sight, making me shutter as I looked around. "You ok," Hans asked as we got back onto the street. "Ya, just feel like someone's watching us," I replied, shaking off the feeling as we crossed the street, "it's probably just paranoia". "Can never be too certain," he replied, looking behind us as we approached the shop, "can't trust anyone anymore". I nodded, opening the door to allow him to enter before me. The lady sat behind the counter as she did the day before, tilting her head slightly at the sight of me. "I thought you'd come back, just didn't expect it to be so soon," she said softly as she stood up and gestures for us to follow her into the back, "come". We paused, looking at one another as she moved into the back room before looking back at us. "I know this is all very strange, but I assure you that this place is safe," she said softly before disappearing into the doorway. Hesitating, I followed her back there to find a table with a crystal ball on it. She slowly sat down on one side of it while Hans and I sat across the table from her. "So what is it you wish to know or see," she asked, leaning forwards slightly as her eyes locked into mine. "You said me and my friend were in danger, that's something wanted us both died. He was killed about thirty minutes after leaving this shop, so I want to know how you knew that and if you could tell me anymore about what may be hunting me," I said, keeping my eyes locked onto hers. "Ah...I see. I am sorry for your loss, but the forces after him were closer than I hoped. You, however, have time to make your choices. There are two that wish to end you, one a beast while the other a group," she explained, closing her eyes as she placed her hands flat on the table, "one must be destroyed while the other spoken to if you wish to avoid the end". "Can you tell me which," I asked softly, leaning forward while she opened her eyes, "or is that not possible". "Telling you anymore would lock in you fate as a deadman. Doing this much, I am giving you a chance to avoid the hand of death," she said offering me her hands, "but, I can show you part of the past you can't remember". I nodded, slowly taking her hands before she gripped onto mine and sighed. Her mouth opened and the words that came from it seemed to be ancient. A sensation began moving from my hands towards my chest, making me clench my jaw slightly before my vision slowly went dark. Several seconds passed without being able to see before my sight slowly came back. I was standing in a room alone, holding a picture of a large group of people. Each face looked familiar while one was smudged out, making it so I couldn't see them. Blade, Hans, Crystal, Gravel, Kye, Hope, H, and my kids were all in the picture standing on the edge of the village. We all looked so happy, celebrating an event that I couldn't remember. A tear rolled down my cheek as I set the picture down and moved out of the room. There was the smell of smoke in the air as I moved into a hallway and down the stairs. I had two bags on my back, one of which was the bag filled with the items in the hotel room. "You have lost a great deal," the shopkeeper's voice said as I moved out the open front door of the house I was in to see the burn ruins of the village, "your soul is fractured and your heart broken from what has been taken from you". "Can you see what was taken," I asked, closing my eyes for a moment. "No...something is preventing me from looking getting to that memory," the shopkeeper muttered, opening my eyes to find myself sitting inside of a cabin, "but I can show you those you left behind". A green dragoniod sat on the couch across from where I was sitting, reading a book before looking up at me and smiling. "Whatcha thinkin about," she asked softly as I leaned back on the coach. "About her...and how I'll get back," I replied, letting out a solemn sigh, "If that's even possible". "There has to be a way, you got here didn't you," she replied closing the book and setting it on the coffee table between us. I nodded, a feeling of uncertainty arising inside of me, "I just wish I knew how". She nodded before the vision faded, leaving me in a cold sweat as I was staring at the shopkeeper. Her hands shook slightly as she pulled her hands away from my with a heavy sigh. "You are much stronger then you think, you just need to remember who you are. That is what will help you make the correct choices when the time comes," she said softly as she stood up and walked over to another doorway leading to another room, "I wish you the best and hope you follow the path that gives you the desired end". I slowly rose to my feet as Hans did the same, watching her stop in front of the door. "I'd advices heading out the back. There are three men waiting for you out front," she said before disappearing through the door. "They're probably government, I guess you were right about your feelin before we got here," Hans said, moving to the back door. "If that's the case, they know I'm in here," I added, watching him check the alley before gesturing for me to follow. "And that means we may need to skip town," he said, quickly moving down the alleyway, "We just need to lay low until..." He gaged as a bullet passed through his shoulder, blood splattering on the ground behind him. "Hans," I snapped, grabbing his arm before he pushed me back. "Run, get out of here," he snapped, drawing a pistol and firing a shot at a window, "I'll try to lure them away". I didn't hesitate, bolting down the alleyway away from the location of the shot. Shouts filled the alleyway as I busted onto the street, looking around frantically before run up the road. Gunshots rang out behind me as I looked over my shoulder while entering a street. Not my greatest choice as a car slammed into me, sending me rolling over top of it before slamming into the concrete. I groaned, my body aching from the hit as I attempted to get to my feet. "Oh my gosh, are you ok," a voice said as a set of hands helped me to my feet. "I'm...I'm fine," I groaned, attempting to limp away from the person before they stopped me. "I don't think you are, let me get you to a hospital," he urged, trying to get me to go to his car. "No...I can't...being chanced...need to go," I muttered, pulling away and limping a few meters from him. I could feel blood dripping down my neck as he attempted to get me to his car again. "I'm not asking anymore. I'm taking you to a hospital," he said, dragging me towards his car. "Please...let me go...they will kill you..." I groaned, putting up little fight against his grip. "I don't see anyone after you," he said, helping me into the car, "they won't know where you've gone". I groaned, settling in the seat as he close the door and moved around to the driver seat. His windshield was cracked from my body while his hood had a large dent in it. "I'm...I'm sorry for the damage," I muttered, my whole body aching at once. "It's fine, I was speeding anyways. This is partially my fault too," he said, causing me to turn and look at him. He was human with short black hair, a thick beard, and baby blue eyes. I nodded slightly, moaning in pain as we entered an intersection where another car collided into the driver side. My head slammed against his shoulder, causing me to blackout for a few moments. When I came to, my ears were ringing intensely as my vision was slightly blurred. A sharp pain was present in my side as I looked to the driver, seeing he was dazed as well. I groaned, pushing open the door before falling out of the car onto the concrete. There were people watching, none of them stepping forwards as I tried to get onto my feet. My side cried out by every movement, a piece of shrapnel sticking out of the skin. "I...I out...of here," I moaned, dragging myself across the ground towards an alleyway. No one moved, frozen in place as I produce a blood trail behind me. "We have eyes on the packet," I heard a voice say behind me, causing me to turn my head to see a man wearing military armor and a face mask. "No...," I groaned, rolling onto my back and sliding away from him, "stay back". I moved my hand to throw a fire ball only for nothing to be produce. The man shook his head and moved to grab me by my arms, "it's time for you to pay for your crimes". I struggled against his grip, my body feeling drained by each movement that did little to help. "Stop..." the man who was driving the car snapped, a pistol in his hand, "leave him alone...he needs to be taken to the hospital". "This man is a federal criminal and is being taken in for the murder of the vise president," the man dragging me said as he stopped, "your actions may cost you greatly if you do not stand aside". "I know exactly who he is and I intend on getting him medical treatment," the driver snapped, limping forward slightly. "Alright," the armored man said, letting go of me as he drew a pistol and fired three shots at the driver. He dropped, a bullet hole in his head and two more on his chest where his lungs were located. "Anyone else like to keep me from doing my job," he snapped, looking around as I attempted to crawl away. No one moved before he grabbed me again, "I thought so". "I'd like to," a deep voice came from the alley I was originally trying to get to, causing me to look towards its source. A hooded man wearing what looked to be a leather mask with a long beak on it and two glass lenses. He was holding a revolver in his right and and a knife in his left. "You must be the new bounty that recently went live. Plague doctor was it, cause of the mask you wearing from when the great plague began that wiped out most of Quarant," he said, dropping me again as he drew his pistol, "looks like I'll be getting double the pay today". Three shots came from my captor, sending the doctor into a roll before throwing the knife into the shoulder of the armored man. "Unless your life is taken like many before you," the doctor said, shooting the armored man four times in the chest as he quickly approached. "Your going to regret that," the armored man growled, lunging at the doctor who quickly counter his attack as he removed his knife from the man's shoulder. "I think it will be you who regrets what you have done," the doctor replied, shooting a shot into each knee and driving the knife into the man's throat, "I do not make actions I regret anymore". The man gaged, grabbing ahold of the doctors arms as he choked on his own blood before falling limp. "A life taken to save another," the doctor said as he turned to me, letting go of the man, "a debt paid that was not known". I gaged, my head swirling as I began growing weary from blood lost. "Sleep now, you will feel better when you wake," he said, picking me up before heading towards the alleyway, "this is not the day you die". I nodded, groaning slightly before letting myself fade into darkness.  

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