Chapter 4

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The alarm clock woke Elizabeth up from a sound sleep. Elizabeth let out a groan as she slung her arm over her eyes. Her body was thrumming and she ached in the magical spot right between her legs. The alarm clock continued blaring so Elizabeth had to reach over and shut it off before it woke her niece and nephew up.

Elizabeth flopped back into bed and stared at the ceiling. Her dream had been very erotic and it had centered on Henry. Elizabeth hadn't dreamed about Henry in years. All of that had changed once Henry moved to town. All of Elizabeth's dreams dealt with Henry in some way or another and most of them involved sex. Elizabeth didn't know what to do about her dreams and neither did her friends.

It had been six weeks since Henry had showed up in town and little over two weeks since Elizabeth had started working for the Roos'. Henry had avoided Elizabeth at work which annoyed her for some unknown reason. She had hurt him yes, but that didn't mean that he had to be an ass towards her.

The warmth of the bed called to Elizabeth as she got dressed to go for a run. As Elizabeth left her room, she made a detour past Grayson and Emeline's rooms. They were both sound asleep. Elizabeth crept quietly down the stairs to the front door. She locked the door behind her before she took a few minutes to limber up. Once her limbs felt loose and her muscles were warmed up, did Elizabeth start on her circuit around town.

Dawn's rosy fingers were just beginning to streak the sky as Elizabeth stopped at her front door. She did a few stretches and deep knee bends before she unlocked the door and slipped back inside the house. The kids were still asleep and would be for another an hour so Elizabeth had the house to herself.

Elizabeth went back downstairs and started the coffee pot. She pulled out the breakfast casserole she had put together the night before and shoved it into the cold oven. The temperature was set at 350 degrees and would be fully cooked by the time the kids were ready for breakfast.

Elizabeth was grateful that her master bathroom had a locking door. Grayson was known to wander into the bathroom to see what she was up to. Emeline only came looking for Elizabeth when she needed something. It broke Elizabeth's heart that Emeline had been forced to care for Grayson when they lived with their mother. No nine year old child should have to look after their younger sibling.

Steam floated from the shower as Elizabeth shed her clothes and stepped into the walk-in shower. A sigh escaped Elizabeth as she stood underneath the cascading water. Her head lolled forward as the water beat on her tense shoulder muscles. Henry crept into her thoughts and Elizabeth didn't have the energy to push him away. Elizabeth's thoughts went back to all the times they had showered together when they had dated.

Elizabeth's handed glided over her body as she ran the soap filled loofah over her sensitive skin. Just thinking about Henry turned Elizabeth on. It angered her and Elizabeth washed herself a little roughly and worked on putting Henry from her mind. She had completely forgotten about him till breakfast when her phone rang.

Both Emeline and Grayson paused in eating. Fear shone from their eyes as Elizabeth got up to answer her cell which she had left by the sink. The number that flashed across the screen was an unfamiliar one. Elizabeth gave her niece and nephew a reassuring smile as she answered the phone.



Elizabeth's breath caught and her heart jumped in her chest as she heard Henry's voice on the other end.

"Hi Henry."

Emeline and Grayson relaxed and went back to eating. Elizabeth's heart ached for them. They were always afraid that when the phone rang it'd be their Mom saying that she was coming to get them. They still loved their Mom and wanted to see her, but she had put them through so much.

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